
发布 2023-02-20 09:23:28 阅读 5044






a.a,e,i,o,u b.e,i,r.x,y c.a,e,i,r,p


a.k b.f c.y

)23.一what’s this? 一it's___n”.

a.an b.a c./


teacher zhang. b. hello, zhang miss. morning, miss zhang.

)25一i'm mary. —hi, maryjim.

a. hi; her name b. hello; i'm c. hi; his name d. hello; he's

l’m fine.

a. good morning b. i’m fine c.

how are you? d. it’s a ( 27.

—what color is the quilt ? it’s __

a. an orange b. orange c. the orange d. a orange

)28your name, please. —n-i-c-k.

a. look b. meet c. spell d. answer

)29. —what’s that ? it’s __orange.

a. is b. an c. a d. /

)30. i __cindy. my telephone __nice.

a. am; am b. am; is c. is; is d. is; am

)31. the boy is tony miller. tony is his __name and miller is his __name.

a. first; last b. last; first

c. family; first d. family; last

)32he jimhe is.

a. is; no yes yes d. are; no

)33your id card number? —it’s 268301.

a. what b. what’s c. how d. how’s

)34. this___my sister. those __my brothers.

a. is; are b. are; is

is d. are; are

)35. —my name is jimi’m linda. nice to meet you, too!

a. nice to meet you! b. good evening! c. i’m fine. d. thanks.



i am a chinese girl. my __36__ wang wenbo. i __37__ 12 years old (岁数).

38_ first name is wenbo and my __39__ name is wang. i’m in class three, grade(年级) _40___

i h**e(有) _41__ id card. its __42__ is 368899. miss cao is my english teacher.

she __43__ very nice. we all like (都喜欢) her very much. what’s __44__ telephone number?

oh, _45__ 666-4349.

) 36. a. nameb. names c. name’sd. name are

) 37. a. amb. isc. ared. be

) 38. a. ib. myc. shed. her

) 39. a. family b. firstc. named. given

) 40. a. seven b. eightc. nined. six

) 41. a. ab. anc. thed. two

) 42. a. name b. numberc. cardd. family

) 43. a. isb. amc. ared. be

) 44. a. your b. hisc. herd. she

) 45. a. itb. it’sc. isd. she’s


a name: jim smith age(年龄): 11 f**orite number: 8 phone number: 398-7915

name: linda brown age: 13 f**orite number: 6 phone number: 235-8016

name: nick hand age: 12 f**orite number: 7 phone number: 581-2375

name: gina green age: 10 f**orite number: 5 phone number: 920-7958根据**内容,选择正确选项。

)46. jim isyears old.

a. 13 b. 12 c. 11 d. 10

)47. linda’s family name is

a. smith b. brown c. hand d. green

)48. nick’s phone number is

a. 398-7916 b. 235-8016 c. 581-2375 d. 920-7958

)49. gina’s f**orite number is

a. five b. six c. seven d. eight

)50. _is the youngest student (年龄最小的学生).

a. jim b. linda c. nick d. gina

bgood morning! i am an english boy. my name is frank smith.

my telephone number is 451-3175. my pen is blue, and my ruler is white. the girl is grace brown.

grace is a nice girl. her telephone number is 535-9861. her pen is black, and her ruler is red.

grace and i both like numbers. numbers are interesting.


)51. frank’s phone number is

a. 451-3175 b. 535-9861 c. 415-3175 d. 553-9861

)52. the girl’s last name is

a. frank b. smith c. grace d. brown

)53. what color is grace’s pen?

a. blue. b. black. c. white. d. red.

)54. _is white.

a. frank’s pen b. frank’s ruler

c. grace’s pen d. grace’s ruler

)55. what’s the meaning of (…的意思) "interesting"?

a. 兴奋的 b. 悲伤的 c. 有趣的 d. 枯燥的。

ci'm a boy. my name's richard smith. richard is my first name.

smith is my last name. my telephone number is 284-5796. look!

this is my friend(朋友), tom. tom is his first name. his family name is bush.

his telephone number is 457-8923, look at this girl. she is my friend, too. her name is sue read.

her telephone number is questions are (是): what's her first name? and what's her last name?


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