
发布 2023-02-21 04:29:28 阅读 5992


unit 1 topic 1—2)




a] 写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍:(5%)

b]按要求写出下列字母的大、小写: (5%)

1. 与aa 含有相同音素/ei/的字母2. 含有相同音素/ju:/的字母:

c] (1)写出下列缩略词的汉语意思:(5%)

(2) 根据汉语意思写出英文缩写字母:(6%)


三、从ⅱ栏中找出与ⅰ栏中各句相应的答语 (10%)

四、单项选择 (34%)(每题各2分)



a]用am, is, are, isn’t, aren’t填空。

1. michaela student.

2they brazilians? no, they

3. are you from the usa? no, inot.

4. li ming is a teacher, but kumikoa teacher.

b] 用what, where, how, who, he, she, it选择填空(非每个必用)

1is kate? she is in japan.

2are they? they are americans.

3is your motheris fine, thank you.

4he from? he is from tokyo.

5. where is michaelis here.

六、将下列的对话按正确顺序排列 (10%)(每空2分)

a:hi, li ming. how are you?

b: li ming, this is jane. c.

where are you from, li ming?

d. hello, michaele. where is changchun? f. jane, this is li ming.

g. nice to meet you. jane.

h. i’m from changchun. i.

not bad, thanks. and you?

j. it’s in jilink. i’m fine, tool. nice to meet you, too.

正确顺序:di , kflh, e

七、阅读理解 (10%)(每小题2分)

tom is from the usa. he’s fine now. is he in the usa now?

no, he’s in china. his father(父亲) and mother are in china now. his father is a doctor.

his mother is a teacher.


) 1. tom is in the usa now.

) 2. tom is a doctor.

) 3. his father is from the usa.

) 4. his mother is a teacher.

) 5. tom isn’t fine now.


一、[a] g 2. r t 3. x z 4. k m 5. q v

[b] hh , jj, kk , uu, ww

[c](1) 1.全美篮球协会 2.光盘,光碟 3.首席执行官


2) 3. cctv 4. who

二。 is 2. his 3. you 4. aren't 5. too / two

三。四。 1--5: ccdcc 6--10: ddcba 11--17: cbabcab

五。[a]: 2. are , aren't 3. am 4. isn't

[b] 2. who 3. how she he



七。 ffttf


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