
发布 2023-02-21 10:45:28 阅读 7533

语法:1 跟时间有关的表达 :

日期提问及表达生日和出生的表达星期表达 (主要是有不有介词和时态的变化)

2 there be 句型 (就近原则时态提问句式变化与h**e的区别后面的动词形式(ing to/ do /done)

3 祈使句: 否定句与陈述句的转换还有与v-ing / to do 的比较。

4 选择疑问句: 回答不用yes and no

5 介词的基本意思并区别几组介词:in after (later) /before ago/ at in (地点)/ in on at (时间) /in on to(方位) /through across

6 时态:一般现在时现在进行时一般过去式过去进行时 (现在完成时???


7 梳理课本知识:


对交通工具的提问及同意转换对频度的提问及表达 borrow 和lend

unit 2


in (the) front of at the back of / behind on the right/ left of

in the center of next to /near / be close to in (on) the tree /river /wall



距离的提问及表达(2 种) :how far

标记: no smoking / don’t smoke…

turn 用法归纳。

unit 3

形状的提问及表达(注意oval square)


动词后接to do and doing

unit 4

对天气提问以及天气表达(sunny foggy (rain snow区别进行时态和状态。)


remember forget to do / doing stop to do /doing



)1do you usually go to the zoo?

i usually go there

; take a bus b. when ; by bike ; by subway

) 2is it today ?

monday .

a. what day ; it’s time ; it’s c. when ; it’s

___he’s listening to music .

does jim do ? does jim like to do ? is jim doing ?

) 4. _j ack , what kind of home do you live in ?

a. it’s an apartment building . b.

i live in the countryside . like living a house with agarden .

) 5is your home away from the railway station ?

__ it’s about two kilometers .

long b. how far c. how much

)6. _what’s on the table?

_ there __some glasses on the table .and there __some milk in these glasses .

a. is ; is b. are ;is c. are ; are

) 7. there are many apples __the tree. a bird___the tree is singing.

a. on ; in b. in ; on c. on; on

) 8do you go cycling ?

twice a week .

a. how often b. how soon c. how long

) 9. look at the sign, it means

a. no smoke here smoke here c. not smoking here.

) 10 . in the past , my hometown __so poor ,but now great changes __there.

a. is ; taking place b. was ; h**e taken place c. was ; took place

)11.—_is your brother’s birthday?

his birthday is __july 19th.

on c. what; in

)12.— is your teacher’s deskit’s about 140 centimeters long.

far long wide

) and some boys are ****** a snowman outside.


) day is coming. _of them busy __for christmas.

to prepare is preparing is preparing

)15.—when is halloweenhalloween is __the night of october 31st.

) may day comes, we h**e a __holiday.

-day c. two days

)17.__christmas eve, michael played a trick __his neighbor.


unit7 1.h e a birthday party有一个生日聚会he will h e a birthday party this evening.他们今晚将有一个生日聚会。2.do some cleaning打扫卫生。do you often help your mother do some...


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