
发布 2023-02-18 01:55:28 阅读 4432

七年级(上) unit 1—unit 3


1. my(主格宾格2. your(主格宾格。

3. his(主格宾格4. her(主格宾格。

5. one(序数词6. two(序数词7. three(序数词。

形容词性物主代词宾格9. nine(序数词。

10. this(复数11. that(复数12. ruler(名词。

形容词14. watch(复数15. lost(动词。

动词17. photo(复数。

18. dictionary(复数19. family(复数。


1. telephone number= phone number2. parents=mother and father

3. picture= name= family name 5. pencil case=pencil box

三、词组:1.姓氏2. 名字3. 身份证。

4. **号码5. 铅笔盒6. 请原谅。

7. 用英语8. 电子游戏9. 失物招领。

10.一套/副钥匙11. 为…而感谢12. 她的名字。

13.你的铅笔14. 他的尺子15. 我的双肩包。

16.学生证17. 家谱18. 家庭照。

四。 句型:

1.自我介绍: i’m… my name is…

2. 询问他人姓名: what’s your / his /her name? my / his / her name’s…

what’s your/ his/ her first/ family name? my / his / her first / family name is…

3. 确认物主关系:i this / that your / his / her / my…? yes, it is./ no, it isn’t. it’s …

4. 介绍他人、确认人物:this / that is… these / those are… is this jim? no, he isn’t. he’s d**e.



3.形容词性的物主代词相当于形容词,用在名词前。 4.基数词变成序数词。

六。 exercise:

1. what’stelephone numbera. she b. her c. him d. he

2. in china, the first name is just the name. a. middle b. last c. full d. family

3. is this your pencila. yes, it is b. no, it is c. yes, it isn’t d. not

4. hello. i’m marry. —hi, mary

a. i’m jim. b. you are jim c. he is jim d. my name jim

5. are my parentsa. these b. this c. it d. that

6. this is a photo my fathera. for b. with c. of d. to

7. thanks the great photo of your family. a. to b. for c. of d. at

8. lily has uncle and aunt. a. a, a b. an, an c. an, a d. a, an

9. —is your sister, anna? —yes, is.

a. she, she b. she, he c.

he, he d. her, she

10. this is my pen. where is (you)? 11. do you knowshe) name?

12. i can helphe) .13. summer is thetwo) season of the year.

14. “a” is the (one) letter in the alphabet.

七年级(上)unit 4—unit 6


1. they(宾格形容词性物主代词2. video(复数。

3. h**e(单三形式4. us(主格形容词性物主代词。

5. relaxing(形容词6. watch(单三形式复数。

名词9. healthy(名词10. collect(名词。


1. hat=cap2. table=desk 3. racket=bat of

5. dinner=supper 6. eat=h**e7. fun=interesting

三、词组:1.闹钟2. 录相带3. 英式足球。

4. 网球拍5. 看电视6. 做运动。

7. 薯条8. 冰淇淋9. 许多;大量。

10.绿色食品11. 听起来有趣12. 在桌子下面。

13.把…带给14. 在梳妆台上15. 有一个大的运动收藏品。

16.跑步明星17. 健康食品18. 运动俱乐部。

四。 句型:

1.谈论物品的位置:—where is the…? it’s +介词短语。 —where are your/ his/ her…? they’re +介词短语。

2.提建议: let’s +v原 let’s play volleyball.

3. —do you h**e/ like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.

—does he / she h**e/ like…? yes, he/ she does. no. he/ she doesn’t.


also, either. 的区别。

too用于肯定句句末。 nice to meet you too.


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