14 15 学年第一学期六年级英语中期试题

发布 2023-02-15 01:25:28 阅读 4521




b d g q s j n h z i


a b. c. d. e.



( )1. b. read

( )2. b. happy

( )3. b. down

( )4. a. must c. bus

( )b. big c. hi


反义词 s (完全形式。

3. study(单三形式 are(缩写形式。

5. by bus(翻译6. slow down(翻译。

7. 左转弯(翻译8. 看电影(翻译。

9. go(-ing形式10. hobby复数。


) go to school __foot.

)2.--is there a library near herethere is.

b. hi,

) are you __to do?

go ) cinema is __to the hospital.

a .next b. to c. in

( )5. and __at the red light.

a. stop, wait b. go, wait , c. stop, go

( )6. where are you going this afternoon?

a. next to the shoe store. b. i’m going to the bookstore.

c. he is going to visit grandparents.

( )7do you go to school?

a. how c. where

( )going to __my homework this evening.

a. see b. watch c. do

( )9. -what is he doingreading..

a. she’s b. he c. he’s

( )mgoing3 o'clock.

a. on b. in c. at

( )china we drive on the___side.

a. left b. middle


when where what why how

1can i get to the zoo? you can go by bus.

2do you go to school on foot? because my home is near.

3are you going after lunch? i’m going to the bookstore.

4are you going?i’m going at

5are you going to do? i’m going to play football.


you go to beijing by train?(作肯否定回答)

2、i like reading stories.(改为否定句)

going to visit grandparents on the weekend.(对划线部分。

提问)on the weekend?, you , where , are , tomorrow.(连词成句)

5. the park is over there.(改为一般疑问句)


my cousin mike is from england .he works at a big hospital. he’s a doctor .

the hospital is behind the post office .it’s next to the cinema .he often goes to work by car ,but next week he is going to work by subway .

his car has broken down (坏了)。

) is my cousin .

) 2. he’s an english teacher .

) post office is in front of the hospital.

) 4. he’ll go to work by car next week.

) always goes to work by subway.



要求:1.请用be going to 句式写话;


六年级 学年第一学期

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