
发布 2023-02-15 01:22:28 阅读 2453








第ⅰ卷 (选择题共65 分)



)1. a. how are youb. thank youc. i’m fine, thanks.

)2. a. nice to meet you. b. yes, he isc. no, he isn’t.

)3. a. yes, it’s a rulerb. no, it isc. no, it isn’t.

)4. a. greenb. katec. tom.

)5. a. it’s on the tableb. it’s an id card.. c. this is my book.


) tom’s phone number?

a. 567-9581. b. 758-3126c. 567-3126.

)7. who’s the woman?

a. the boy’s grandma. b. the boy’s mother. c. the boy’s aunt.

)8. what color is jack’s mother’s jacket?

a. green. b. redc. blue.

)9. whose books are these?

a. tom’s. b. tom’s brother’s. c. tom’s father’s.

)10. where is peter’s ruler?

a. in his deskb. in his schoolbag. c. in his pencil box.



)11. this is a

a. map b. picture c. school

)12. the __are in it.

a. girl’s parents

b. boy’s parents

c. boy’s grandparents


)13. who lost a bike?

a. bobb. maryc. mr. smith.

)14. what’ mr. smith’s phone number?

a. 846-5623b. 847-5522. c. 847-5623.

)15. where is mr. smith now?

a. in the classroom. b. in the library. c. in the school.


二、单项选择 (共20小题,计20分)


)16. this is __pen. _pen is tom’s.

a. the; a b. a; thec. a; a d. the; the

)17. 询问别人的身体状况时,你应该说。

a. how are you? b. what’s this? c. hello! d. how do you do?

)18. -linda, your new schoolbag is beautiful

a. thanks b. no, noc. yes d. it’s ok

)19. i __peter. this __frank.

a. am; am b. is; isc. am; is d. is; am

)20. -what’s that __english?

it’s a map.

a. onb. inc. atd. to

)21. 在购买衣服时,__表示大号,__表示中号,__表示小号。.

a. m; l; sb. l; m; sc. l; s; md. m; s; l

)22. 字母e在下列单词中与其他单词读音不同的是。

a. penb. redc. spelld. the

)23is this jacket?

it’s black.

a. howb. what’s color c. how’sd. what color

)24. this is __brother, and __name is john.

a. my; hisb. i; hec. your; her d. his; he

)25. her name is mary smith. her last name is __

a. maryb. smithc. smithd. mary smith

)26. —what color is it?

___black and white.

a. they are b. i amc. it’sd. this is

)27. this is myand i am her son.

a. daughter b. motherc. fatherd. teacher

)28. this is a photo __my family.

a. atb. ofc. tod. in

)29. are __your

a. this; photoesb. these; photos

c. those; photo

)30your telephone number?

a. what; itb. what’s; it’sc. what; it’s d. what’s; it

)31. —is your name gina green?

yesa. i isb. i amc. itsd. it is

)32. a man is tom can call him __

a. mr. brown b. mr. tomd. mrs tom

)33. here __a set of __for you, peter.

a. is; keyb. are; keysd. are; key

)34. —is this your watch?

no, it’s not __it’s

a. my; her b. mine; hersc. my; hersd. mine; her

)35. thank you __your dictionary.

a. ofb. atc. ford. to



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