六年级英语评估题 一

发布 2023-02-11 16:17:28 阅读 1274



听力部分。一、 听录音,在相应的图下用数字标上正确的序号。(10分)


1a i h**e a toothache. b i am a student. c it’s windy.

2a i am going to go to school. b he read a book. c i did my homework.

3a i am 17 years. b fine,thank you. c i am 50kg.

4a no,i did. b yes ,i did. c yes,he did.

5a i went by ship. b last sunday. c i went with my mother.

6a yes,he is. b yes,i am. c no ,he was not.

7a yes,they are. b no,they didn’t. c yes,they do.

8a he is tall and thin. b he likes reading. c he is 24.

9a no,i don’t. b yes, i can. c i can water the flowers.

10( )a this is liuyun. b it’s a cat. c i am liuyun.


1( )a boat b now c bottle 2 ( a poor b hour c ear

3 ( a dad b cook c looked 4 ( a chinese b fish c tree

5 ( a doctor b monkey c shirt 6 ( a train b traffic c park

7 ( a meter b see c bike 8 ( a goose b coke c luck

9 ( a foot b know c food 10( )a hole b ball c nose


1( )a、big b、buy c、bit d、bee

2( )a、feet b、me c、le**e d、skiing

3( )a、wash b、much c、watch d、what

4( )a、headache b、toothache c、earache d、stomachache

5( )a、small b、tall c、all d、wall



good比较级) beautiful比较级)

get the flu翻译) 看医生翻译)

feet单数形式) read过去式)


1there are many apples __the tree.

a、in b、to c、of d、on

2what’s the __with you?

a、wrong b、 matter c mistake d problem

3a: i failed the math test.--b: i am __to hear that..

a glad b happy c sorry d sad

4people like yaomng in your village?--yes.

a do b does c did d did

5are they going___in the park?

a take b took c to take d taking


1、the big ball isthan the small one .

2、the black ruler isthan the white ruler.

3、the left tree isthan the right one .

4、the new house isthan the old one .

四、根据句型,用词的正确形式填空。( 5分)

1、iplay)football yesterday.

2、he oftengo)shopping on weekends.

3、theyh**e)an english class now.

4、those girls oftenlisten)to the music.

5、inot watch) cartoons last night.


1. i’m thinner than his

shoolbag is more colourful than your

3. i’m going to visiting my friends

4. let’s watched it


1、my, english,with,sister,learned,i,afternoon,yesterday.(连词成句)

2、my mother went to guangzhou by bus last month . 就画线部分提问)

3 my mother went to guangzhou by bus last month . 就画线部分提问)

4 is a cat stonger than a whale? (按实际情况回答问题)

5 i play football everyday.(用yesterday替换画线部分)

6、how do you feel when you fail the english test?(翻译句子的汉语意思)


dear henry,how is everything? we all miss you. last week, i want to hawaii with dad and mom.

it is really a wonderful place. we walked on the beach, swam in the sea, ate a lot of sea food and watched a very beautiful dance. it was so hot in hawaii, but we had a good time there.

here is a photo for you, hope you like it. please write me soon.


tom )1、henry went to hawaii with dad and mom.

)2、hawaii is really a wonderful place.

)3、henry and his parents watched a very beautiful dance.

)4、it was so hot in hawaii.


2009年小学六年级第一次统测英语试题。范围 六年级下册全册考试时间 60分钟 听力部分。一 听录音,在相应的图下用数字标上正确的序号。10分 二 听上句,选择正确的答句。15分 1a i h e a toothache.b i am a student.c it s windy.2a i am g...


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