
发布 2020-08-11 12:29:28 阅读 9202



iii. 听录音,选词补全对话。(10分)

a:help, jenny! my hands are

b: oh ! you h**e jam on your

you can wash your hands in the

a: i need thewhere is it ?

b: here it is.

a: thank you !now my hands are


) it’s 9:00b:it’s a bathtub

( )i would like cereal b: i want a book

( )a bathtubb: it’s a shower

( )in the kitchen b: it’s in the bathroom

( )is washing disher b: he is in the bathroom

笔试部分( 60 分)


1. m_k_ (制作 ) 2. d_y (擦干,干的) 马桶)

4. cl_ _n (干净的) 5. d_rt_ (脏的 ) 炉灶)

7. s_ _k ( 水池 ) 8. mi_e (我的) _m (房间)


1.dish (复数形式现在分词。

3. go (单三形式 (副词形式。


) would you likebreakfast? a. to b . forc. at

( )iseggs on the b. cooks

( )3time is

( )green toothbrush

( )needmy handa. to wash

( )dirty

( )isin a

( )in the living roomquite. iquite .

( )are

( )isa b .writeing

( )this a refrigeratora stove?

( )peas arethe

( )13. shesome

) you helpfind

)15these your


) is comeing to canada.

a b cd

( )to see you, to !

a b cd

( )3,let’s put some dish on the table.

a bcd( )4. my hands is dirty

a b c d

( )5. they are read the news*****.

a b c d







a:what time is itb:good work!

c:what would you like for breakfast?

d:h**e a good timee:what are you doing?,连词成句。(10分)

1.time it is what

2. cooking mum is the on stove

3. good trip a did you h**e

it is time for

doing they are,根据i栏中的问句,在ⅱ栏中找出相应的答语,并连线。(5分)

is he 7:00

time is is washing dishes

would you like for would like cereal.


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