
发布 2023-02-06 19:51:28 阅读 7159


unit 4 drawing in the park单元练习。


)1. ten me2. pen bed3. red she

)4. green meet ( 5. egg let6. the ride


1. easy (反义词2. them(主格。

3. flower(复数4. these(单数。

5. there(反义词6. when(近义词组。

7. box(复数8. a lot of(同义词。


1. look at these花)

2. i can see a船) and two鸭子)on the river.

3. don’t swim in the湖)

4. it’s难). but i can try.

5. that is a small山) i can climb it.


1. can you draw___they)? yes,i can.

2. can you see these __tree)?

3. the girl can dance, but the boycan).

4. it’s timego)to bed.

5. inot like)pe.

6. sheh**e) some new books.

7. my sister likes画画).

8. can youswimming)?


)1. i can see some __on the lake.

a. chickens b. ducks c. pigs

)2. i can see __oranges __the tree.

a.an; in b.some; on c.some; in

)3. i can see flowers and trees.

a. lot of b. a lot of c. a lots of

)4. -what can you do,jack

a. i can see a bird in the tree

b. i can play football

c. yes,i can swim

)5. can mr. green play basketball

a. yes, i can. b. no, he can’t. c. yes, he do.

)6. the flower is beautiful. can you

a. draw they b. draw them c. draw it

)7. can you draw an appleit’s easy.

a. no b. sure c. sorry

)8. i don’t like maths. it’s too

a. easy b. difficult c. good

)9. _in that big box?

a. what b. where c. what’s


1. this is a tree. (改复数句子)

2. i can see a boat on the river.(对划线部分提问)

3. i can play football.(改一般疑问句,并做否定回答)

4. nancy can swim.( 对划线部分提问)

5. it’s easy.(同义句转换)


七、排序。 ) well done!

) what can you do?

11、火药是我国的四大发明之一,我国古代的黑火药是硝石、硫黄、木炭以及一些辅料等粉末状物质的均匀混合物。迄今为止,可以考证的最早的火药配方是“伏火矾法”。(let’s go to the park and draw some pictures.

) look at the picture. this is a river and these are hills.

17、大熊座的明显标志就是我们熟悉的由七颗亮星组成的北斗七星,( i can draw.

) good idea!



7、将铁钉的一部分浸入硫酸铜溶液中,有什么现象?过一会儿,取出铁钉,我们又观察到了什么现象?(p36)there is a park near our school.

we can see many trees and flowers there. some flowers are red and some are yellow. we can see a hill behind the park.

at the foot of the hill we can see a river. there are some boats on it. children like to go there.

they can sing and dance. they can play games. they can fly kites too.


15、为了便于辨认,人们把看起来不动的星星分成群,划分成不同的区域,根据其形态想象**、动物或其他物体的形状,并且给它们命名。天空中这些被人们分成的许多区域就称为星座。( 1.

what colour are the flowers?

a. red and yellow b. red and green c. yellow and green

)2. there areon the river.

20、在水中生活着许我微生物,常见的有草履虫、变形虫、喇叭虫、眼虫、团藻等。a. some ducks b. some boats c. some children

)3. boys and girls canin the park.


sing and dance. b. play games and fly kites.

c. both a and b.

)4. where is the river?

a. at the foot of the hill. b. at the top of the hill.

c. behind the hill.


drawing in the park 教学反思。本单元的主要学习内容是用i can see 的句型描述公园里的事物。教学中,我利用 幻灯片以及电脑课件引导学生观察和理解所学的语言。多 借助完成以后,大多数学生对于所学的概念有了一定程度的理解,但是还不够深刻。所以我又利用简笔画的形式,补充的降本单元...


s good morning afternoon,t hello,how are you?s i m t how old are you?s i m i m years old.t i can what can you do?s i can t can you well?s yes,i can.i ...

译林版英语四年级下册默写 1 4单元

unit1 our school subjectsstory time 1欢迎回到学校,同学们。见到你很高兴,见到你们也很高兴。2 这是我们的新课程表。我们有英语 语文 数学 美术 体育 和科学。3你喜欢什么课程,王兵?我喜欢语文和数学。me too.我也是。4你呢,杨玲?我喜欢英语。它很有趣。5哦...