
发布 2020-11-11 07:46:28 阅读 3325

unit 4 seeing the doctor



)1. bus jump2. brother also3. doctor clock

)4. like five5. grow how


) lunch b headache c teach d watch

) wash b brush c mushroom d much

) driver b drink c traffic d draw

) hospital b doctor c shop d metro

) bedtime b medicine c evening d dentist


1.看医生,看病2. 刷牙。

3.就寝前4. 吃一些药。

5.喝一些温水6. h**e a rest at home

too many sweets8. feel cold

at his long neck10. h**e a toothache

11. 头疼12.发烧。

13 put on his jacket14. after school

15 吃许多糖果16 去看牙医。

17 help in the hospital18 in march

19 eat chicken for lunch20 take care


1. —i h**e a fever.

a. thank youb. i’m sorry to hear that. c. all right.

2do you feel now?

a. whatb. howc. what about

3. —i’m cold. what should i do?

a. h**e a restb. put on your coatc. open the window.

4. —what’s wrong with ?

—he has a cold.

a. himb. herc. it

5. —what’s wrong?

a. it doesn’t matter. b. i’m illc. you are welcome.

6. —may i to liu tao?

—this is liu tao .

a. speak; speaking b. speaking; speakc. speaking; speaking

7. —my uncle has a fever. should he medicine?

—yes, he should.

a. taking any b. take anyc. take some

8. —your school bag is so he**y. are you tired?

a. let me help you. b. no, i don’tc. yes, i am.

9. i can’t eat

a. anything b. something c. any

should brush __teeth.

a. you b. me c. your

11. shesee __doctor.

a. goes; the b. goes to; /c. goes to; the

12. why __he __a toothache?

a. does; has b. does; h**e c. do; h**e

13. my mother __her legs.

a. hurts b. hurt c. is hurts

14. oh, you’ve got a headachesome medicine, please.

a. take b. taking c. take

15. i __ill.

a. is b. are c. am

16. —i’m thirsty. —here’s a glass of juice __you.

a. with b. of c. for

17he usually swim on saturdays? —yes, he does.

a. do b .does c .does

18. gao shanplay table tennis with me.

to b .wants c .want to

19your brother basketball well? —yes.

a. do, plays b. does, plays c. does, play

20 . liu tao a headache.

a. h**e b. has c. is


1. 你怎么了?

you?2. —医生,我应该做些什么?



---you shouldyou should

and drink

3. 我什么也吃不了。

i can’t

4. 查理坐在一张长凳上。

charlie is sittingbench.

5. 他准备三月份去中国。

he is going china march.

6. 波比很高兴帮助他们。

bobby verythem.

7. 长颈鹿指向他长长的脖子。我脖子疼。

giraffehis longmy


1. how (do) she feel?

2. on sundays, my mother usuallygo) shopping

3 look, my classmates areread) in the classroom.

4. he likesmake) model planes.

girlh**e) a lot ofstorybook)at home.

6. —what’s the matter withshe)? she has a headache.

7. i feel well now. i shouldn’t takesome)medicine.

8. she canget) some fruit for you.

9. i’m very happyhelp) you.


) 1. what’s wrong with should go to bed.

)2. helen is illb. because i’m ill.

)3. why are you not at school todayc. i feel well.

)4. what should she sorry to hear that.

)5. how do you feel nowe. i’ve got a headache.


1、 i h a hi should t some medicine.


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