
发布 2023-02-06 05:48:28 阅读 1847


姓名: 分数:

一、 写出下例序数词。(10分)

1. one 2. two

3. three 4. four

5. five 6. six

7. eight 8. nine

9. eleven

二、 根据汉语提示完成下例单词。(10分)

1. janua y (一月r/t) 2. f bruary (二月o/e)

3. ma ch (三月r/t) 4. apri (四月i/l)

5. ju y (七月l/n) 6. aug st (八月n/u)

7. septem er (九月b/d) 8. o tober (十月k/c)

9. nov mber (十一月e/a) ber (十二月n/m)


)1. what day is it? a. it’s cold and snowy.

)2. how is the weather in december? b. yes, it is.

)3. what is the third day of the week? c. it’s may.

)4. what is the fifth month? d. it’s wednesday.

)5. is it a rainy day? e. it's teachers' day.

四、 选择最佳答案。(20分)

)1. are you ready school?

a. on b. in c. for

)2. these my friends.

a. am b. is c. are

)3. he a green pencil.

a. am b. is c. are

)4. danny is in front steven.

a. on b. of c. at

)5. how many do i h**e on my desk?

a. boks b. book c. books

)6. he is ping-pong.

a. play b. plays c. playing

)7. jenny is the classroom.

a. on b. in c. at

)8. what time is it? 7:30.

a. what’s b. time’s c. it’s

)9. june is children’s day.

a. first b. second c. third

) is first.

a. the b. a c. /

五、 用括号内所给的词的正确形式填空。(20分)

1. i (work) hard at school.

2. i (h**e) supper with my family.

3. this is a (sun) day.

4. is it (rain)?

5. (teacher)day is september tenth.

6. li ming is the (one).

7. (be) ready for english class?

8. where (be) it?

9. she is (write) on *****.

(be) markers.

六、 将下例句子翻译成英语。(20分)

1. how are you? fine, thanks.

2. nice to meet you!

3. her name is kim.

4. is this danny’s pencil?

5. the ***** is above the chair.

6. jenny is beside kim.

7. where is li ming?

8. what’s her name?

9. what day is tomorrow?

sun is hot.

( )5. danny want to buy ice cream.



1、钢笔 a、pencil b、peper c、book d、pen

2、在……下面 a、under b、beside c、below d、above

3、有雨的 a、cloudy b、rainy c、snowy d、sunny

4、星期,周 a、work b、desk c、week d、marker

5、七月 a、june b、july c、april d、may




a、how old are you? b、how do you do? c、how are you?


a、what’s your name? b、how are you? c、nice to meet you.


a、where’s my pencil? b、what is it? c、is this your pencil?


a、how’s the weather today? b、what’s the date? c、how are you?


a、what is it? b、what it day is it? c、what time is it?


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