
发布 2023-02-04 20:50:28 阅读 9264






单词:掌握74个(含 2个动词过去式)broke/lost


语音: 6 组 (b c d f g h)

故事: 18个。


单元题目:unit one i like many things

unit two what’s wrong with you?

unit three can you tell me the way?

unit four revision

unit five holidays & special days

unit six it’s not safe

unit seven i’m sorry

unit eight revision



二、三年级已经学过了表示“喜欢”的陈述句:i like summer. 和一般疑问句do you like spring?

及它的肯定回答:yes, i do.和否定回答no, i don’t。

在三年级学过谈论职业的话题:what do you want to be? i want to be a scientist.

还有一些表示职业的单词:cook, scientist, writer, driver等,本单元第一课中涉及到的i like pop songs /art music best. 在三年级谈论最喜欢的食物中已经作为重点句型出现过:

i like jiaozi best.这些上位知识同学们都很熟悉,对新知的学习起到辅助作用。

第二单元的话题是关于问诊、叙述病情及医嘱的。在四年级上学期学过i h**e a bad cold. 医嘱学过please stay in bed and drink a lot of water.



first, second, third...表示地点的名词building, floor, music room, hospital 等。

还有我们能经常见到的介词of, on, in, with 。

第五单元是关于节假日的话题。在三年级时已经学过children day、may day等节日名称,以及这些节日所在的日期。学生还基本掌握了一些与节日相关动词短语:

go to the park, go to the museum,go to cinemas等。

第六单元是关于安全的话题。学生在二年级学习了一些动词词组如:go swimming, go skating, go roller-skating.

复习这些动词词组是为学习no swimming, no skating, no roller-skating禁止做某事做学习铺垫。学生在三年级学习了一些动词和动词词组,如 skate, fly kites.这些动词和动词词组可以加在don’t后表达不要做某事。

学生在四年级上册学习了try to do sth(try to be close to nature)本单元是让学生在恰当情景下运用好try not to do sth.

第七单元是关于道歉的话题。在四年级上学期学过表示心情不好的句型:you look sad以及原因because my dog is missing;在本册书的第二单元学过 what’s the matter with you?



1. 重点:

句型:1)--do you like music, yangyang?

--yes, i do. i listen to all kinds of music. but i like pop songs best.

2)--do you keep a pet?

--yes, i do. /no, i don't.

3)--what do you want to do in the future?

--i'd like to fly a real plane.

4)--what's wrong with you?

--i h**e a terrible headache.

5)--will you need to take a blood test?

--i'm afraid so.

6)--what 's the matter with you?

--my right leg hurts badly.

7)--excuse me, please. can you tell me the way to the library?

--it's on the fifth floor.

8)--how do i get to the hospital?

--it's on the right of that red building.

9)--where is the gas station?

--drive on first and then turn left.

10)--what are you going to do in that day?

--we will visit the great wall.

11)--what do you do on children's day?

--we go to cinemas, parks, and museums on this day.

12)--what's special about this day?

--people eat sticky rice dumplings. people all over the country h**e dragon boat


13)--please don't fly your kite here.

--why not?

--it's not safe./ it's dangerous.

14)--please don't skate here.

--why not?

--it's dangerous to skate on thin ice.

15)--watch your step.

--i will try not to step on others' feet.

16)--how come my toy car doesn't wok?

--i'm sorry i broke it.

--never mind. my dad is very good at fixing things.

17)--you look sad, baobao. what's the matter?

--i lost the key to my bike.

18)--what's happened to the carpet?

--i'm sorry the dog wetted the carpet.


like to, would like to的用法。



like dogs . like后面如果是可数名词,要加s。

do you want to be?与what do you want to do?区别。

to, fly to后用名词,like to, want to后面用动词原形。

第二单元)1.句型:问诊:what’s wrong with you?

what’s the matter with you?

where does it hurt?

2.叙述病情:i feel bad. i h**e a terrible headache.

i don’t feel well.

my right leg hurts badly.

it hurts near the knee.

3. 医嘱:to take an x-ray

to take these pills three times a day.

4.建议:you need to see the doctor.

will you need to take a blood test?

5.语法:what’s wrong with you?(宾格)

6.身体部位 + ache = 病症。

to + v.原。


you need to take a blood test? you是主语,take a blood test是医生做的事。


第三单元)1.序数词的使用 on the fifth floor

2.选择疑问句的表达is it on the right or on the left..?

及回答要用yes, it is. 或者 no, it isn’t.

3.介词on,of, in的使用

4.现在进行时 i’m trying to find…

与get to的用法: 如果there here home 和get搭配就要去掉to

6.将来时 you will see a sign on your right.

7.情态动词should +动词原形。


2.从某人处得到礼物时是get gifts from sb.,这里强调要用from



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