
发布 2023-02-03 14:02:28 阅读 7100


m1u11. sense 感觉。

2. smell 嗅。

3. taste 尝 taste with the tongue(舌) taste buds味蕾。

4. fell 触。

5. see 看见。

6. hear 听见。


8.taste (1)尝 (2)味道 (3)品味。

9.i see with my eyes.= i use(使用) my eyes to see.

10.look and see

11. listen and hear

12. touch and feel

13. what h**e you got? (what do you h**e?)

14. what has he got? (what does he h**e?)

1. one 那些东西(单)

2. ones 那些东西(复)

3. the 形 one/ones

4. which one/ones? 哪个/那些。

5. i like the big one. which one do you like?

6. i like the big one. what do you like?

7. how about 怎样 = what about

8. (1) how about you? =and you?

2) how about + doing? 提建议。

1. wing 翅 beak 鸟嘴。

2. vine 藤。

3. what nice grapes! 感叹句:多么……啊!

4. what + a/an + 形容词 + 名词!

5. at all 根本。

6. i don’t like it at all.

7. 感叹句: how + 形 + 句子剩余!

8. how nice the grapes are!

9. what a all tree!= how tall the tree is!

10. what sweet apples!= how sweet the apples are!

11. how does it taste?

do they

12. around 围绕。

13. enjoy 享用/欣赏 enjoy 喜欢 + doing

14. in the afternoon

on sunny afternoons (具体到某一天时,用介词on 这里是多个晴朗的下午,所以用复数,加s)


thick反义 thin

粗的细的。2. whose … is this/that/it?

it is …

3. whose … are these/those/they?

they are …

4. who’s 谁是 whose 谁的。

5. thing 东西[θ?thin [θn]

6. slim 苗条的。

7. over there 在那边。

8. just 刚好。

1. at the beach 在海边。

2. on the beach 在海滩上。

3. at the seaside 在海边。

4. sand 沙子(不可数)

5. take off shoes 脱下鞋。

take shoes off

take them off

6. put on the coat 穿上外套。

put the coat on

put it on

7. of cause = sure 当然。

8. something(sth.) 某样东西(单)

9. something hard 某样硬的东西。

10. a key (钥匙)to the door

11. a key (重点) school

12. key (键)

13. take(拿走,带走)sth.(物) to sp.(地方)

14. lose(丢失的)

15. property (财物)

16. blind 瞎的。

17. colour blind 色盲的。

18. deaf 聋的。

19. dumb 哑的。

20. each part (部分)

21. the whole (整体)

22. tusk 象牙。

23. trunk 象鼻。

24. don’t judge [d??d?](评判)one thing by its part

1. be like 像。

2. its body is like the wall(墙).

3. one of the + 复数。

m1u31. shadow 影子。

2. light 光。

3. hill 山丘。

4. rises 上升反义 goes down 落下。

5. bench 长凳。

6. path [pɑ:θ小径。

7. lawn [l?:n] 草坪。

8. at sunrise 日出 at sunset 日落。

9. get


grow10. again 再,又。

11. chase 追赶 = run after

m2u11. sport shoes

2. sports meeting (运动会)

3. do sports 做运动。

4. a kind of sport (种类)

5. ball games:

6. volleyball [?v?lib?:l] 排球。

7. baseball [?be?sb?:l] 棒球。

8. table tennis 台球(乒乓)

9. badminton 羽毛球。

10. tennis 网球。

11. golf 高尔夫球。

12. bowling 保龄球。

13. polo 水球。

14. hockey 冰球。

15. play ball games

16. play with a ball

17. play football

18. 球类前无 the,a,an

19. in the spare(空余时间) time = in the free time

1. hobby 爱好 hobbies

2. my hobby is ing.

有趣的(形) it’s fun。

3. fun

乐趣(名:不可数)h**e great fun

4. interesting (形) 有趣的。

a lot (单独用)

5. 许多。

a lot of + 东西。

6. poster 海报。

7. club 俱乐部。

8. hobby club 社团。

us9. join 加入。

a club

那时。10. then 那么。


11else 其他。

what12. 人 + would(想要) like to + 动原 = 人’d like to do = want(s) to do

13. would like + 东西 = want 东西例: i‘d like some tea.

14. would you like some tea?

15. would you like to do? =do you want to do?

16. will(将会) +动词原形。

17. will + 人 + do?

班级。1. class

棵 =lesson

2. 动词(动名词)+ing class


3. notice

关注(动)4. notice board 告示栏。

5. swimming pool [pu:l] 池子。

6. pool 池子(人工) pond 池塘(天然)

sth.7. need sth. for(为)


8. need a bag for

going to school

9. need sth. to do (需要…去做…)

10. need a bag to go to school

11. what do you need for …?i need for…

12. what does he need for…? he needsfor…

1. a lite buoy 救生圈。

2. a swimsuit [?sw?msu:t] 游泳衣。

3. suit 西服。

4. can’t be 不能是,不可以是。

5. too太(贬义):过分,不适合。

6. a pair of swimming shorts 一条泳裤(单)

7. a and(和) b (肯定句)

8. a or(或) b (否定句)

9. a pair of swimming goggles [?g?glz] 副泳镜。

10. a swimming cap 泳帽。

11. before 在……之前。


after 在……之后。

12. 介词 + 动 + ing(动名词)

13. do warm-up exercises

14. go into 进入反义 come out of 出来。

15. remember 记住反义 forget 忘记。

1. make(使)you healthy(健康的)


2. make sb./sth. +形容词。

3. make the room clean

4. enjoy yourself(你自己) 祝你开心 = h**e a good time

5. 动名词,句首主语。

6. running is fun.

1. 反身代词:某个人自己(oneself)

2. 单数: myself yourself himself herself itself


3. 复数:ourselves yourselves themselves

4. i do the work myself.

5. he does the work himself.

6. they do the work themselves.

7. do the work yourself,peter.


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