English小学英语四年级上期末试卷 牛津版4A

发布 2023-02-03 13:25:28 阅读 7909



注意事项。1、 本试卷适用于小学四年级上学期学生使用;

2、 考试形式:闭卷;

3、 满分:312分答题时间:150分钟。


a 听力部分(每空1分共73分)

一、 听录音,选择听到的内容。

)1. a. booksb. boxc. balls

)2. a. shortsb. socksc. shoes

)3. a. thirstyb. thirtyc. thirteen

)4. a. 89b. 98c. 18

)5. a. 7:05b. 11:45c. 12: 35

)6. a. kiteb. catc. cap

)7. a. colourb. crayonc. clean

)8. a. knowb. nowc. new

)9. a. colour it blueb. colour it brown c. colour it black

)10. a. 16+20b. 28+35c. 40+18

二、 听录音,给下列**标上序号。

三、 听录音,选择正确的应答。

)1. a. that’s my puppetb. no, it’s his puppet. c. yes, it is.

)2. a. yes, i like tigers very much. b. yes, i doc. yes, i like.

)3. a. it’s helen’sb. they’re on the bed. c. they’re mike’s.

)4. a. here’s a glass of juice for you. b. here’s a hamburger for you.

c. here is a sweater for you.

)5. a. it’s seven thirtyb. at seven twentyc. seven ten.

四、 听录音,将句子补充完整。

1. i’m noti’mnow.

2. -is that my umbrella? -no, it isn’t. perhaps your umbrella __in the sitting room.

3. don’ton your desk. readnow, please.

4. -do youthat puzzle? -no, i don’t like puzzles. i like

五、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

)1. a. matterb. motherc. monkey

)2. a. thirtyb. thirstyc. thirteen

)3. a. rubberb. rabbitc. ruler

)4. a. coldb. coatc. copy

)5. a. looksb. booksc. box

)6 a. 5:15b. 5:50c. 5:05

)7. a. whiteb. writec. bright

六、 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。

) i’m tenb. i’m tiredc. i’m tall.

) here’s a cake for you. b. here’s a card for you. c. here’s a coat for you.

) what’s the matter? b. what’s the timec. what’s your mother?

) look at my shoes. b. look at my shortsc. look at my sweater.

) it’s time to go to bed. b. it’s time to go to school. c. it’s time to go home.

七、 听录音,选出正确答语。

) 1. a. su yang’sb. my father’sc. su yang’s father’s.

)2. a. twenty-twob. two twentyc. two.

)3. a. at sixb. at six fifteenc. at six fifty.

)4. a. he’s sleepyb. he’s illc. he’s thirsty.

)5. a. it’s nancy’sb. it’s helen’sc. it’s yang ling’s

八、 听录音,完成对话,每空一词。

1. a: what’s that inb: it’s a

2. a: it’s timegocinema. b: ok. let’s go.

3. aare they? b: they’refather’s.

4. a: where’smother? bin the kitchen.

九、 听录音,选择相应的答语,并将其序号填入题前括号内。

) i’m notb. yes, i amc. yes, i do.

) nine thirtyb. at eleven thirty. c. at six thirty .

) s ok . b. yes, miss lic. thank you .

) i don’t know . b. he’s in the classroom. c. he’s over there.

) he isb. yes, she isc. no, she isn’t.

一十、 判断下面**意思是否与录音相同。(听两遍)

一十一、 听录音,根据所听内容选择正确的应答。

1. a. yes, i dob. yes, it isc. yes, i can.

2. a. she’s in the kitchen. b. it’s on your desk. c. it’s my purse.

3. a. thank youb. not at allc. that’s all right.

4. a. at six twentyb. it’s six thirtyc. five.

5. a. it’s mike’sb. they’re nancy’s. c. she’s nancy.

b 笔试部分。





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