2019小学英语四年级 上 期中模拟试卷 含答案

发布 2020-09-30 12:15:28 阅读 8456


is weak in .

a. runb. runsc. running

tlate next time!

a. areb. bec. is

will play basketball this afternoon.

a. nextb. laterc. sometimes

cinema is __the next atb. nexttoc. can skip. but i fly.

a. can'tb. canc. am

h**e six __

a. pensb. friends areher party.

a. comeb. comingc. coming to

the catthe tree.

a. climbsb. climbingc. is climbing

notsome spicy food?a. to

h**eb. h**ingc. h**ed. has

would __help clean the likeb. liketoc. likedoingd. /二、根据所给情境,选择合适的句子。

11is your school?—it's beside thesupermarket.

a. whatb. howc. where


a. all rightb. thank you.13.你帮助了别人,别人对你说“thanks.”时,你应该说:

a. not thanks meb. you're welcome.14.—let's clean the classroom.

___a. thank

youb. okc. excuse me.


a. act like a bird, peterb. goodbye,bird!

三、按要求写单词16.补全单词(1)the___tre(2)co __t(3)sk___rt(4)we __r(5)lau___h(6)let___er(7)rest___urant四、单词拼写(词汇运用)

17他)likes watermelons.18.

i canan ice cream.—no. it's a___mb


usi h**e some


21.看图读一读,把正确的句子**填在横线上a. i want to be a policeman. i want to help she helps people.

c. what do you want to be, peter?d. do you want to be a nurse, lisa?(1)

miss fangpeter: i want to be a cook.(2)

lily: what do you want to be?tim3)

a: what does your mother do?b: she is a doctor4)dad

lisa: yes, i do. i want to be a nurse.


are doing your homework. (用"i"作主语改写句子)__

should drink soft drinks. (改为否定句) does your brother feel?(用happy回答)__

white is giving his students an english lesson. (保持句意不变)

the students are七、选词填空(词汇运用)26.根据**选择正确答案。

writing a letter;talking to you;doing my homework;listening to music;reading a book;playing football)(1)i'm





hello, my name is tom. i'm 13 years old. my father likesreading books and playing football.

my mother likesplaying the piano. my sister likes playing volleyball and theviolin. she can dance very well.

my brother is tall and can play basketball very well. he likes drawing like english and music. i can sing many english songs.

ilike playing table tennis with my friends after school.(1)阅读短文,根据短文内容用a. b.

c. d给图画排序。__

2)there are five people in my family.(3)tom's father likes playing the guitar.

4)tom's sister likes playing volleyball and the violin.(5)tom's brother is tall and thin.(6)tom likes drawing pictures.


1. c2. b3. b4. b5. a6. a7. c8. b

二、根据所给情境,选择合适的句子。11. c12. b13. b14. b15. a三、按要求写单词。


17. he18. see;cake19.20. milk五、情景交际。


22. i am doing my homework.23. you shouldn't drink soft drinks.24. he feels happy.

25. h**ing;an;english;lesson七、选词填空(词汇运用)

26.(1)listening to music(2)playing football(3)reading a book(4)talking to you(5)writing a letter(6)doing my homework八、匹配题。




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