人教PEP版英语四年级下册Unit1达标测试 含答案

发布 2023-02-03 13:00:28 阅读 1466


music room

teachers' office

art room




we h**e two rooms on the second floor. the first room is the music second room is the art room. we h**e two libraries and one teachers' office on the first like reading books.

they can make me clever.



3. library(复数形式)__



)1. do you h**e___art room?

b.an c.the

) that the___office?

a. teachers 's c.teachers'

)3.-_is sarah?

-she is in the gym.

a.where b.what c.how

)4. our classroom is___the first floor.

a. atb. onc. in

)5. -is this a computer room?

a. yes, it is. b. yes, this is. c. yes, it's.


1.welcome___my school.

2.this gym is___big.

3.it’s___the second floor.

4.that___a music room.

5. the classroom is___to the art room.


is this the art room?

no, it's the computer room.

where is the teachers' office?

it's on the second floor.

do you h**e a music room?

yes, we do.


)1. where is the computer room?

)2. do you h**e a gym?

)3. how many students are there in your class?

)4. is this the art room?

)5. your school is beautiful.


mike: 1 this is the office. that is my classroom.

visitor: 2

mike: twenty-four.

visitor: 3

mike: yes, we do.

visitor: 4

mike: no, it's our computer room. 5

八。 阅读对话,判断正(t)误(f) 。

chen jie: look! this is my school.

sarah: great! is that the computer room?

chen jie: yes, it is. it's next to the teachers' office.

sarah: do you h**e a music room?

chen jie: yes, we do. it's on the first floor.

it's next to the library. look! this is our gym.

it's on the first floor.

sarah: wow, your school is beautiful and big!

chen jie: thank you!

)1. this is sarah's school.

)2. the library is on the first floor.

)3. the library is next to the teachers' office.

)4. the gym is on the first floor.

)5. the school is small and beautiful!


例:this is our school. we h**e a library. it's on the second floor.

答案。一、 music room

teachers' office

art room



二、1. second

三、1.b 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.a

四、 3. on

五、1.t 2.t 3.t

六、1.e 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.d

七、1.e 2.d 3.b 4.a

八、1.f 2.t 3.f 4.t 5.f

九、示例:this is our school.

we h**e a music room.

it's on the second floor.

解析。一、此题考查学生对本单元表示功能室的单词或短语的熟悉程度。从上往下,**分别表示的是教师办公室、**教室、操场、美术教室和图书馆,对应的词汇分别为teachers' office,music room,playground, art room和library.

二、1.“we h**e two rooms on the second floor.”句中的two为基数词,second为序数词,两者相对应。故答案为second。


3.“we h**e two libraries…”中的libraries为library的复数形式。故答案为libraries。

4.“i like reading books. they can make me clever.”中i为主格形式,me为宾格形式。故答案为me。


2.teachers' office意为“教师办公室”,为固定搭配。故选c。



5.“is this…?”句型的答句一般为“yes,it is./no,it isn't.”,注意代词用it不用this,且此处的it is不可以缩写。故选a。

四、1.句意:欢迎来到我的学校。“welcome to+地点.”意为“欢迎来到……”为固定搭配。

2.句中缺少修饰big的副词成分.so可以修饰形容词。so big意为“如此大”。

3.“在二楼”的表达为on the second floor。空格处填介词on。

4.“that is…”句型表示“那是……”句中缺系动词is,故填is。

5.next to…意为“在……隔壁”,为固定搭配。



六、1.“where is…?”的答语一般为“it's+介词…”,故答案为e。

2.“do you h**e…?”的答语为“yes,we/i do./no,we/i don't.”,故答案为c。

3.how many引导的特殊疑问句,通常问“……的数量”。故答案为a。


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