
发布 2023-02-02 17:27:28 阅读 4692



听力部分。一、 根据朗读的顺序,在单词前的括号内标明朗读顺序号。

) jeans ( shorts ( shoes ( pants ( socks

二、 听句子,从a b c三个选项中选出所包含的信息,并将字母标号填写在题前的括号内。

) 1. a. library b. washroom c. board

) 2. a. garden room c. art room

) 3. a. myb. your c. our

) 4. a. thisb. that c. what

) 5. a. first b. second c. one

三、 下面你将听到5个问句,请从打乱顺序的答句中将能回答相应问句的答句字母标号填入题前括号内。

) 1a. it’s on the first floor.

) 2b. yes, it is.

) 3c. forty-five.

) 4d. it’s yellow.

) 5e. it’s 8:00











) many___do you h**e?

a、dress b、 dresses c、skirt

) pants __new and nice.

a. am b. is c. are

) 3.__shirt is it? it’s amy’s.

a. who c. where

) likes that shirt

--it’s his f**ourite(喜爱的) colour.

a. what for b. who c. where

) h**e a new dress___my birthday party.

a. for b. to c. at

) 6. i h**e a dress,__it’s too small.

( )7. welcome __our school.

a. on b. to c. in

( )8. it’s time __watch tv.

a. for b. at c. to

)9. it’s time for

a. go to bed b. class c. go home

)10. what time is it __new york?

a. to b. at c. in


) is ita. yes, they are.

) are my pants? on the bed.

) these your pants? c. it’s five o’clock.

) on itd. it’s mike’s.

) time is ite. twelve pens.


( )1.挂起你的裙子a. take off your t-shirt.

)2. 收起你的毛衣b. fold your shirt.

)3. 穿上你的夹克c. hang up your shirt.

)4. 叠起你的衬衣d. put away your sweater.

)5. 脱下你的t恤衫e. put on your jacket.


) is this your pen?

) whose is it?

) where is my pen?

) no,it’s not.

) oh,it’s liming’s.


1. amy tv room?

b:yes,it is.

3. ais it?

b: it’s blue。

4. ais your music room?

b: it’s on the second floor.

it?b:it’s mike’s.


amy: what’s on the bed,sarah?

sarah: come and h**e a look. this is my new t-shirt.

these are my pants. oh,where’s my skirt? i can’t see it here.

amy: is that your skirt?

sarah:oh,no. my skirt isn’t green. it’s yellow.

)1. where’s my t- shirt? it’s

a. on the bed b. on the desk c. on the chair

)2. is the t-shirt old?

a. yes,it isn’t. b. yes,it is. c. no,it’s new.

) these pants on the bed?

a. yes,they are. b. no,they aren’t. c. yes,it is.

) colour is sarah’s skirt? it’s___

a. greenb. yellow c. blue

) sarah’s skirt?

a. on the bed b. on the desk don’t know.


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1 我们在复习时回顾本单元的这些有智慧主人公,再次体会他们善于思考 大胆实践 勇于献身 足智多谋的品质。2 回顾梳理根据课文内容提问的方法。3 复习破折号的用法。巩固反问句,学会将陈述句改成反问句。4 积累本单元的优美词 句 段以及古诗 画眉鸟 越女词 和名言 关于勤学好问 做事要有正确目标和毅力 ...