人教PEP 四年级英语上册期中考试试卷

发布 2023-02-02 13:48:28 阅读 2355



cc___ee___gg jj___ll___nn gg___ii

oo___qq rr___tt aa __cc __yy___


alkman nakeampouse bo

s oon win ow t ger s uirrelpen


1. we are

2. chen jie is ashe’s quiet.

3. this is my englishher name is miss white.

4. theis in the desk.

5. look, i h**e a long



)1.长头发 hair hair hair


) a.书包 b.数学书 c.语文书。



) at the picture, what __is it?

) i h**e a look?

you are are. h**e a book

) short hair.

) best friend?

)5.——my friend is a boy? —what’s __name?

)6.——what’s her name? —name is amy.

)7.——let’s clean the desks and chairs

right. idea.

) books can you see?

)9.__in your schoolbag?

) friend __music.

五、从b 栏中找出a栏相对应的答语。(10分)

)1、how many pencils do you h**e? a、 his name is mike.

)2、where is my seat? b、 you are.

) 3、what colour is this bag? c、 i h**e thirty pencils.

) 4、what is his name? d、 it is near the door.

) 5、may i h**e a look? e、 it is orange.

) 6 .how many english books can you see?f、 she is my sister.

) 7、who is sheg、 i can see five.

六、情景选择 。(15分)


in your schoolbag in my bag?


friend likes math friend likes music.


is zheng peng. zhang peng’s friend.


h**e forty h**e thirty books.


h**e a new classroom. classroom is big.


a.my friend likes science. friend likes computer game

)7.你想问chen jie 那个女孩叫什么名字时,你会问?

her name? his name?


and and girl?


has short hairb. he h**e short hair.


is right.


john: hello, bai ling

bai ling: really

john: sure. here you are.

bai ling: wow! it is a squirrel. i like it.

john: thank you! my bag is orange

bai ling:it’s pink. my schoolbag is he**y.

johnbai ling: look, i h**e many books.

johnbai ling: one, two, three…, sorry, too many.


i h**e a name is is is a girl .she is from is has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. she likes english.

we are good friends.

)1、wangchen is a boy. (2、she is twelve.

)3、she is from shanghai. (4、she has a big mouth.


2019期中教学质量检测卷。年级 四年级学科 英语命题人 题号一二三四总分得分。一 翻译。10分 二 按要求写单词。10分 完整形式。反义词 3.let s 完整形式反义词 格 物主代词 主格 同义词 反义词 完整形式 三 选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号里。10分 sciencec.spor...

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