
发布 2023-02-02 10:06:28 阅读 3539


)1、a arm b art c and

)2、a fine b nine c five



)1、a arm b art c and

)2、a fine b nine c five

)3、a these b there c those

)4、a rice b mice c face

)5、a friday b tuesday c thursday

)6、a hot b not c nose

)7、a right b eight c that

)8、a read b eat c red

)9、a 30 b 40 c 50

)10、a touch b lunch c peach



)1 a i like english. b i like reading.

)2 a she’s painting. b he’s fishing.

)3 a it’s sunday. b it’s yellow.

)4 a i play tennis on saturday. b i h**e lunch at 12;00.

)5 a i’m eleven. b i’m fine,thank you.

)6 a they’re peaches. b it’s a peach.

)7 a she’s my friend. b he’s my brother.

)8 a yes, i am. b no, i can’t.

)9 a ok. b thank you.

)10 a yes, they are. b yes, they do.


) tony is reading chinese.

) gogo is h**ing lunch.

) jenny is playing ping- pong with gogo.

) they like swimming.

) it’s jenny’s birthday today.

) we play basketball on tuesday.

) what day is it today?

) i like and english.

) what time is it now?.

) they like english and art.


)1 a music b subject c math

) 2 a paint b sing c sleeping

) 3 a breakfast b lunch c touch

)4 a today b monday cfriday

)5 a feet b hands c body


sc__en__e st__d__ s__nd__y vi__l__n d__nn__r

th__ ty m__ th ch__n__se __p__n s__t__rday

三、 选择适当的单词填空(10分)

are touch close soccer am reading doing do is violin

1 what are theythey are___english。

2 i __painting. tony __writing. my friends __watching.

3 __your eyesyour ears.

4 __you like science? yes, i do .

5 they play theon sunday.

6 we playon saturday.



)1 what __you do on monday? a are b do c does

) 2 i like __a swim b swimming c apple

) 3 __you read it? a can b are c do

) 4 i play __basketball on friday. a a b the c 不用填。

)5 my brother and i __h**ing lunch. a am b is c are

) 6 what __do you like ? i like math and art.

a subjects b colors c food

)7 __your head. a touch b open c close

)8 is he __now? yes, he is. a writeing b write c writing

)9 __is it today? it’s saturday. a what day b what c what time

)10 __do you get home? i get home at 5;30.

a what time b what day c what


hi! i’m peter. i h**e two small eyes.

it’s sunday today. i don’t go to school. i get up at 8:

30 . i like and math. this is my friend ben.

he likes too. we play tennis on saturday and sunday. look !

we are fishing at the lake. we are very happy .

根据短文的内容判断,正确的在括号里写√ 不正确的写×

)1 it’s saturday today.

)2 peter has two big eyes.

)3peter and ben like

)4 they are swimming in the lake.

)5 they are very happy today.


一、1 b 2a 3c 4a 5b 6 c 7b 8a 9c 10a

二、 1t 2f 3f 4t 5t 6f 7t 8f 9t 10f

1 i like science. 2 they’re running . 3he’s reading . 4 he’s studying.

5 i play ping-pong on friday. 6 they swim on thursday.

7 it’s time to h**e breakfast. 8 these are my arms.


2013 2014学年度四年级第一学期。期中检测英语试卷。一 找一找,谁与众不同。7分 二 将下列单词进行分类。15分 6.kite 家用电器 玩具 衣服 星期 三 词组翻译,选出相对应的汉语意思,将序号填在括号里。10分 is the playground?a.打扰了!meb.我可以带你去。3.i...


2015 2016学年第一学期期中试卷。小学四年级英语自测题。温馨提示 卷面清晰工整可得2分哦!听力部分 30分 一 听录音,选出正确单词并将其序号填在题前的括号里。10分 1.a.nose 2.a.3.a.dad 4.a.k b 1 c o m 5.a.ben 6.a.door 7.a.cake ...


学校班级姓名学号。2013 2014第一学期四年级上册综合科期中考试测试卷 第一卷科学部分 40分 一 填空 每空1分共20分 1 风向是指它可以用来测量用来测量降雨量的装置。2 你知道酒精灯的火焰分为和三部分,的温度最高温度最低,我们用酒精灯加热。3 溶解是指物质在水中变成肉眼看不见的的分布在水中...