
发布 2023-02-01 10:28:28 阅读 5365

时间:40分钟满分:110分) 等级___

听力部分。一、listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每题连读两遍。(5%)

1. a. jump b. gym2. a. short b. shirt

3. a. snowy b. sunny4. a. four b. farm

) 5. a. twelve b. twenty

二、listen and tick or cross . 听录音,看图,判断对(√)错(×)每题连读两遍(10%)

三、listen and choose. 听录音,选出与录音内容相符的**。每题连读两遍。(10%)

1. a b 2. a b

3. a b

5. ab四、listen and choose. 听录音,选择正确的**。读两遍。(10%)

a bc d e

1. shanghai __2. beijing __3. harbin___4. london __5. hong kong __

五、listen and match. 听录音,连一连。读两遍。(10%)

a.¥56 b.¥30 c.¥78 d.¥20 e.¥100

六、listen and choose.听问句,选答句。每题连读两遍。(10%)

1. (a. it’s greenb. let’s play football.

2a. yes, it isb. yes, they are.

3a. it’s 3 o’clock. b. it’s on the first floor.

4a. i h**e five. b. it’s twenty yuan.

5a. yes, you can. b. i can see ten.

七、listen and number. 听录音,把下列对话重新排序。对话读两遍。(10%)

) how about this one? it is colourful.

1 ) can i help you?

) yes, a sweater for my sister.

) it looks very nice. how much is it?

) ok, i’ll take it.

) it’s 68 yuan.

笔试部分。八、read and choose. 找出下列每组单词中不同类的选项。(5%)

) 1. a. tomato b. carrot c. cucumber d. chicken

) 2. a. yellow b. white c. blue d. colour

) 3. a. hot b. cool c. cold d. fresh

) 4. a. gym b. floor c. library d. canteen

) 5. a. nine b. fine c. five d. four

九、read and write. 读一读,写一写,完成句子。(5%)

1. it’s暖和的) today, take off your

2. it’s threeit’s time for class.

at the .

十、read and choose. 选择填空。(10%)

) 1. what are those? a. they are cow. b. they are sheep. c. there are five.

) 2. are they potatoes? a.

yes, it is. b. yes, they aren’t.

c. no, they aren’t.

) 3. can i wear my new shoes today?

a. no, you can. b. yes, i can. c. yes, you can.

) 4. i wantslippers. a. an b. a pair of c. two

) 5. how many rulers do you h**e?

a. i can see two. b. there are three. c. i h**e three.

十一、unscramble the sentences. 连词成句。(10%)

1. they, rabbits, are

2. many, ducks, are, how , there

3. colour, it, what, is (

4. my, are, where, socks (

5. weather, what’s, the, like, today (

十二、read and choose. 根据所给情景选择正确答案。(5%)

) 1. 怎样询问别人遇到什么麻烦? a. what are you doing? b. what’s the matter?

) 2. 购物时,售货员会怎样询问你?a. what do you want to buy? b. can i help you?

) 3. 我喜欢红色的衬衫配白色的短裤,用英语怎样表达?

a. i like the red shirt with the white shorts.

b. i like the red shirt and the white shorts.

) 4. 在商店里,你决定要买一双鞋,你会怎么说?a. i’ll take it. b. i’ll take them.

) 5. 到了起床的时间了,用英语该怎样表达?

a. it’s time to get up. b. it’s time to go to bed.

附加题 read and judge. 阅读短文,判断正“√”误“×”

dear linda:

how are you? thanks for the new pretty dress, it fits me well, i like it very much. now i’m visiting my grandfather’s farm with my father, it’s not very big but it is beautiful.

look, there are five cows, three sheep, four pigs and twenty hens. the pigs are fat. you can also see many vegetables at the farm, they are cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and onions.

i don’t like onions, they taste terrible. but i like potatoes, they are very delicious, and we’ll h**e cucumbers and potatoes for lunch. it’s very hot today, i want to eat a watermelon after lunch.

welcome to our farm!


) 1. amy’s father has a farm.

) 2. there are thirty-two animals at the farm.

) 3. the hens are very fat.

) will h**e a watermelon for lunch.

) likes potatoes and onions.


一 对试题的总体评价。本套试卷中,题目类型符合五年级学生的心理特点和教学目标要求,本次测验中分为听力测验和笔试两部分。从这次的期末测试的总体情况看来,大部分学生的基础知识掌握的比较扎实,能够将所学知识很好的应用,达到了预期的效果。二 成绩分析 本次五年级应考人数 139 人,实考人数 139人,平均...


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