
发布 2023-01-28 20:29:28 阅读 4676

1. drama club 剧社。

2. sports club 运动俱乐部。

3. english club 英语俱乐部。

4. music club **俱乐部。

5. art club 艺术俱乐部。

6. gardening club 园艺俱乐部。

7. keep quiet 保持安静。

8. eat and drink 吃喝。

9. litter垃圾。

10. spit吐痰。

11. climb 爬。

12. run跑。

13. dive 潜水。

14. light a fire 点火。

15. write 写。

16. swim in the river 在河里游泳。

17. pick flowers 摘花。

18. wan chai 湾仔地铁站,香港地铁港岛线站名。

19. causeway bay 铜锣湾,位于香港岛北海岸。

20. tsim sha tsui 尖沙咀。

21. stanley 斯坦利港(福克兰群岛首府)

22. the peak 山顶。

23. ocean park 海洋公园。

24. sai kung 西贡。

25. the floating restaurant 流动饭店。

26. the big buddha 大佛。

27. the golden bauhinia 紫金花。

28. eat seafood 吃海鲜。

29. go shopping 去购物。

30. h**e lunch 吃午餐。

31. h**e dinner 吃晚餐。

32. look at the view 看风景。

33. watch the light and sound show

34. see a lion dance 看舞狮表演。

35. eat from a wooden basin 吃木盆餐。

36. cook a big meal 做大餐。

37. spaghetti 意大利式细面条。

38. pizza 比萨饼。

39. snails 蜗牛。

40. french bread 法式面包。

41. sushi 寿司, 生鱼片冷饭团。

42. cold noodles 韩式冷面。

43. hot dogs 热狗。

44. hamburgers 汉堡包。

45. roast duck 全聚德烤鸭。

46. dim sum 点心(广东话)

47. chicken curry 咖喱鸡。

48. cake 蛋糕。

49. jelly 粉皮。

50. a milkshake 奶昔。

51. coffee 咖啡。

52. fried noodles 炒面条。

53 fried rice 炒饭。

54. congee 稀饭。

55. won ton noodles 馄饨面条。

56. onion soup 洋葱汤。

57. potato skins 焗薯皮。

58. pork chops 连骨头的猪排。

59. chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰激凌。

60. cheesecake 酪饼。

61. honey 蜂蜜。

62. lemon tea 柠檬茶。

63. hot chocolate 热咖啡。

64. cola 可乐。

65. apple juice 苹果汁。

66. milk 牛奶。

67. orange juice 橘汁,橙汁。

68. jam 果酱罐头。

69. sugar 糖。

70. flour 面粉

71. butter 奶油,黄油。


day at school the teacher said, ‘come on, everyone! it’s time to choose a club to join.

what do you like doing? which clubs do you want to join?’

2. betty, sally and peter looked at the posters. ‘let’s join a club together,’ suggested peter.

3. well, i like sport, music and gardening, but i like music best.

i want to join the music club,’said betty.

4. ‘i don’t want join the music club,’ said sally.

5. ‘why not ?’asked betty.

6. because i don’t like music,’ said sally.

7. ‘i don’t like music, either ’ said peter.

8. ‘ok. let’s not join the music club then. i like sport better than gardening.

let’s join the sport club,’ said betty.

9. ‘why do you like sport, betty?’ asked peter.

10. because doing sport makes are healthy,’ said betty.

11. ‘oh! i want to join the sports club too because i also want to be healthy,’ said sally.

12.’ok,sally,’ said betty. ‘let’s join the sports club together!’

13. the girls turned to peter. ‘i don’t like music, sport or gardening,’ said peter.

14. ‘what do you like then, peter?’ asked sally.

15. ‘i like food best,’ said peter.

16. some other children heard him. ‘good!

come and join the cooking club then!’ they called.

17. ‘oh, yes ! that’s the club for me!’ said peter.


day at school the teacher said, ‘come on, everyone! it’s time to choose a club to join.

what do you like doing? which clubs do you want to join?’

2. betty, sally and peter looked at the posters. ‘let’s join a club together,’ suggested peter.

3. well, i like sport, music and gardening, but i like music best.

i want to join the music club,’said betty.

4. ‘i don’t want join the music club,’ said sally.

5. ‘why not ?’asked betty.

6. because i don’t like music,’ said sally.

7. ‘i don’t like music, either ’ said peter.

8. ‘ok. let’s not join the music club then. i like sport better than gardening.

let’s join the sport club,’ said betty.

9. ‘why do you like sport, betty?’ asked peter.

10. because doing sport makes are healthy,’ said betty.

11. ‘oh! i want to join the sports club too because i also want to be healthy,’ said sally.

12.’ok,sally,’ said betty. ‘let’s join the sports club together!’

13. the girls turned to peter. ‘i don’t like music, sport or gardening,’ said peter.

14. ‘what do you like then, peter?’ asked sally.

15. ‘i like food best,’ said peter.

16. some other children heard him. ‘good!

come and join the cooking club then!’ they called.

17. ‘oh, yes ! that’s the club for me!’ said peter.

unit 2

单词。1. read

2. paint

3. dance

4. roller-skate

5. jog

6. swim

7. play chess

8. listen to music

9. look after your pets

10. go to bed early

11. tidy your room


2011 2012学年第二学期小学语文四年级调查问卷 a 一 积累与运用。1 把下面的一段话抄在横线上,注意书写正确 工整。人之初,性本善,性相近,习相远。苟不教,性乃迁,教之道,贵以专。昔孟母,择邻处,子不学,断机杼。窦燕山,有义方,教五子,名俱扬。2 读拼音写汉字。g u q gu i gu i...


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