
发布 2023-01-22 14:50:28 阅读 9133

unit 4 atthefarma let’s talk

教学目标:1、能听懂、会说、运用句型“whatarethese ?”及回答“they are ..

are these...及回答“yes,they are.”或“no,they aren’t.

”2、在情景中恰当运用句型they’re good. they’re so big!来描述蔬菜特点。3、教育学生从小养成多吃蔬菜的好习惯。

重点:能听懂、会说、运用句型“whatarethese ?”及回答“they are ..

are these...及回答“yes,they are.”或“no,they aren’t.

”难点:能听懂、会说、运用句型“whatarethese ?”及回答“they are ..

are these...及回答“yes,they are.”或“no,they aren’t.



sing:《old macdonald had a farm》二、复习(revision):

t: old macdonald had a farm. i h**e a farm , thisismyfarm.苹果**提问:

what’sthis ?it’s an apple.


1、导入:therearesomevegetables at my farm,too.(1)西红柿**提问:


whatarethese ?they’retomatoes. (板书句型)(2)胡萝卜**提问:

what’sthis ?it’sacarrot.

whatarethese ?they arecarrots.

arethese carrots ?yes,they are.((板书句型)(3)四季豆**提问:

arethese carrots?no,they aren’t.((板书句型)whatarethese ?they aregreen beans.(4)马铃薯**提问:

arethese onions? no,they aren’t.

whatarethese ?they arepotatoes.(5)洋葱**提问:

arethese onions?yes,they are.(6)黄色小西红柿提问:

arethese onions? no,they aren’t.

whatarethese ?they are tomatoes。they are yellow tomatoes.

师拿出准备好的tomatoes:look!i h**e some tomatoes here.


try some!they’re good.(板书句型)2、情感渗透:

tomatoes , carrots ,green beans ,potatoes and onions are remember: everyvegetable ishealthyfor our body.3、游戏教学,巩固操练。

now let’splayagame—–whatanimals areat the farm?guess:whatarethese ?

they’re...4、let’s talk

today our friends,sarah and mike , are at the farm. let’s goand h**e a look,ok?(1)、**动画,看一次(2)、逐句跟读(3)、自读一次(4)、分角色读(5)、表演对话。

板书设计:atthe farm

whatarethese ?they’ ?yes,theyare .no,they aren’ some!they’re good.


unit 4 at the farm a.let s learn 教学目标 1.能够听 说 认读新词 tomatoes potatoes carrots green beans,并掌握其单复数形式。2.能够熟练运用上述单词并运用句型 they re 描述蔬菜特征。教学重难点 单词的复数形式变化,特别...


第三单元 1 对应词 put on take off white?black these those 2 特殊疑问词what colour?什么颜色?用来问物体的颜色,回答时一定要有表示颜色的词语。如 what colour is your bag?it s blue.3 who和whose的区别 ...


第三单元 1 对应词 put on take off white?black these those 2 特殊疑问词what colour?什么颜色?用来问物体的颜色。回答时一定要有表示颜色的词语。如 what colour is your bag?it s blue.3 who和whose的区别 ...