
发布 2023-01-19 07:01:28 阅读 8197

一unit habits

一. 重点词汇。

when 当…时候 early 早的 usually通常 breakfast早餐

brush 刷 tooth 牙齿(teeth 复数) wash洗 comb 梳头 finish 完成 homework 家庭作业 pack 包装 hang up 悬挂brush my teeth刷牙 wash my face洗脸 pack my schoolbag整理书包 finish homework完成家庭作业 good habits好习惯 comb my hair梳头hang up my clothes 挂起衣服 in hospital住院 hurry up赶快put on穿上 silly me我真傻! once a day一天一次 come on加油


1. when do you get up? i get up at six thirty in the morning.

2. how often does she wash her face? she washes her face twice a day.

3. she has good habits.

4. what do you do in the morning?

5. there’s no school today.


1. it’s time for sth.(n);it’s time to do sth 例如:

it’s time for school./ it’s time to go to school. 到上学的时间了。

2. do 和does 的用法。

does 用于第三人称单数 (she,he,it ,tom等)

do 用于第一人称,第二人称,第三人称复数(i,you,we,they,等)

3. when 引导的特殊疑问句。

when do you(第二人称,第三人称复数,) 动词原形)…?你什么时候做 …?

when does he/she(第三人称单数) +动词原形)…?他/她什么时候做 …?

例句:when do you get up ? 你什么时候起床 ?

when does she/he get up ?他/她什么时候起床 ?

4. 用 how often 来对频率提问:how often do you + 动词原形)… how often does+(第三人称单数)+动词原形 …?

表示频率的次数来回答。(once,twice,three times,four times---

例句:how often do you wash your face ? 你多久洗一次脸 ?

i wash my face twice a day. 我一天洗两次脸。

how often does sam wash his face ?sam多久洗一次脸 ?

he washes his face twice a day. 他一天洗两次脸。

5. 句型:first ,next, then , after that …先后顺序表达。

例如:first ,i get up early. next, i brush my teeth .

then,i comb my hair . after that ,i eat breakfast .

unit 2 manners


manner 礼仪 quiet 安静的 library 图书馆 corridor 走廊

polite 礼貌的 rude 粗鲁的 noisy 吵闹的 rubbish bin 垃圾箱

floor 地板 go away出去 should 应该 model student模范生run/walk in the corridors在走廊上跑/走throw rubbish one the floor把垃圾扔在地上 well done干得好。

throw rubbish in the bin 把垃圾扔进垃圾桶 school rules校规


1. pease don't throw rubbish on the floor!

2. you shouldn’t be rude. you shoud be polite.

3. do you want to be a model student?

4. who’s a model student this year?

5. she’s polite and helpful, too.


1. 祈使句:提出请求,建议或发出命令的句子。

如:throw rubbish in the bin, please . 请把垃圾扔到垃圾篓。

don’t run in the corridors. 不要再走廊里跑。

be polite. 有礼貌be queit. 保持安静。

don’t be rude. 不要无礼。 don’t be noisy. 不要吵闹。

2. should 应该,应当,否定形式shouldn’ may, must, can, need

例如:he should be polite. 他应该有礼貌。

she shouldn’t run in the classroom.她不应该在教室里跑。

unit3 seasons


season 季节 website ** weather天气 different 不同的 spring 春天 summer 夏天 autumn 秋天 winter 冬天 place 地方 warm 温暖的 cool 凉爽的 because因为 rain 下雨 snow 下雪 ride a bike骑自行 cool and dry凉爽干燥 make a snowman堆雪人 a fun holiday有趣的假日 read a poster 阅读海报 go for a swim去游泳 the ugly duck丑小鸭

fly away 飞走了 mother duck母鸭 fly a kite放风筝。




eg. in the morning/afternoon/evening在早上/下午/晚上in the day在白天。

b. 年、月、年月、季节、第几周前用in

eg. in spring/in summer/in autumn/in winter在春天/夏天/秋天/冬天。

in april在四月 in 1987在2023年 in april 1987在2023年4月。

in the first week of this month这个月的第一个星期。

from=come from来自---

where are you from? i am from …

where is she/ he from? she/he is from …

where do you come from? i come from …

where does she/he come from? she/he comes from …

3. 问某地天气:what’s the weather like in+(地方)in+(季节)?

eg. what’s the weather like in harbin in winter? it often snows

4. why 是问原因的特殊疑问句,回答时用because 引导句子。

unit 4


sick 生病 toothbrush牙刷 chocolate巧克力 surface表面take some medicine 吃药 go to hospital 去医院(专指去看病)

go to a clinic 去诊所 h**e a fever 发烧 h**e a cold 感冒 h**e a rest 休息 h**e a headache 头痛 h**e a stomachache 胃痛。


1. what’s the matter?

2. you need to go to hospital and see the doctor.

3. you should also drink a lot of water and stay in bed.

4. you should brush you teeth with a toothbrush like this one.

5. brush the inside/outside surface of your teeth.


1.”what’s the matter+人名? 你怎么了?

回答:i h**e a ….we h**e a….

例句:what’s the matter, tim?怎么啦,tim?


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