
发布 2023-01-18 10:16:28 阅读 8105

unit one 第一单元。

my classroom 我们的教室。

we h**e a new classroom.我们有一个新教室。


let's go and h**e a look.我们去看一看吧。

let's clean the classroom.我们把教室打扫一下吧。


let me clean the window.我来擦窗户。


let me clean the board.我来擦黑板。

let me clean the fish bowl.我来清洗鱼缸。

let me clean the desks.我来擦桌子。

where's the sharpener?削笔刀在**?

it's near the fish bowl.在鱼缸旁边。

a let's learn

what's in the classroom?教室里有什么?

a board,two lights,many desks and chairs..

classroom教室 window窗户 picture图画。

door门 board写字板 light灯。

let's do

open the door.开门。

turn on the light.开灯。

sweep the floor.扫地。

clean the window.擦窗。

put up the picture.挂图画。

clean the board.擦黑板。

let's talk.



this is zhang peng,our new classmate.

mike,we h**e a new classroom.迈克,我们有新教室了。

really?let's go and h**e a look.真的?我们去看看。

wow!it's so big!哇!好大啊!

look,this is my new desk.看,这是我的新桌子。

we h**e 6 new lights.我们有六盏新灯。

where's my seat?我的座位在哪儿?

it's near the door.靠门的那个就是。

let's chant(唱)

work and and play.

in the classroom every day.

work and and play.

we h**e fun every day.

read and write

aa ant蚂蚁 apple苹果 hand手。

bb beef牛肉 boy男孩 ball球

cc cat猫 cake蛋糕 car汽车。

dd doctor医生 duck鸭子 desk桌子。

ee egg鸡蛋 elephant大象 bed床。

write and say

what are they ?

do you know?

cat 猫。

egg 鸡蛋。

apple 苹果。

duck 鸭子。

ball 球。

b let's learn

look!this is my classroom.看!这是我的教室。

the wall is white.雪白的墙壁。

the floor is green...绿色的地板…

computer计算机 fan电扇 wall墙。

teacher's desk讲台 floor地板。

let's play

four squares red,yellow,blue or green.

and cross out.听一听,划一划。

window 窗户。

light 灯。

desk 书桌。

door 门。

wall 墙。

chair 椅子。

picture 图画。

board 黑板。

classroom 教室。

floor 地板。

fan 电扇。

tv 电视机。

let's talk

good morning.早上好。

let's clean the classroom.我们一起打扫教室吧。

good idea.好主意。

let's clean the desks and chairs.

all right!好的!

let me clean the window.我来擦窗户。

let me clean the board.我来擦黑板。

look at the picture.看看这张图画。

it's nice.很漂亮。

good morning,miss white.早上好,怀特小姐。

wow!it's nice and clean.哇!好整齐好干净。

good job!做得好!

let's play

clean the window!擦窗户!


read and write

fish鱼 french fries炸薯条 farmer农民。

girl女孩 goose鹅 good好的

hot dog热狗 hamburger汉堡包 hat帽子。

ice-cream冰淇淋 ice water冰水 idea主意。

write and draw

what are they?它们是什么?

do you know?你知道吗?


fish 鱼。

goose 鹅。

hamburger 汉堡。

c task time

your classroom.给你的教室涂上颜色。

about it in your group.小组讨论。

this is my classroom.这是我的教室。

it's very big.它很大。

the door is yellow.门是黄色的。

the windows are green...i like my classroom.

let's check

is my chair?我的椅子在哪?

it's near the window.在窗户旁边。

the board,please.请擦黑板。

at my bag.看看我的书包。


let's find out

big letters 大写字母。

small letters 小写字母。

story time 讲故事时间。

oh!there is a bee in our classroom.

where is it?它在哪?

look!it's on the light.看!它在灯管上面。

where is it now?它现在在哪?

it's on the fan.它在电扇上面。

look!it's on the wall now.看!现在又飞到墙上了。


what's this.这是什么?

it's a bee!是只蜜蜂!

no,it's a board.不,是写字板。

there's a bee on the board.有蜜蜂飞在写。


it's really a bee.真的是只蜜蜂。


good to know

thank you! 谢谢!

excuse me 对不起。

after you. 你先请。

let's sing

in the classroom,in the classroom,there's a blackboard on the wall.

there are pictures,there are flowers,in the classroom where we learn.

in the classroom,in the classroom,there's a blackboard on the wall.

there are pictures,there are flowers,in the classroom where we learn.


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