
发布 2023-01-05 12:15:28 阅读 6777

unit2 what should i do?

重点词组。1. keep out挡住;阻止…进入。

2. argue with sb. about sth与…某人就某事争吵。

3. h**e an argument with sb=argue with sb与…争吵。

4. tell sb. (not ) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事。

5. get a part-time job得到一份兼职的工作。

6. turn on打开。

7. play…too loud把…声音放得太大。

8. write sb a letter给…写信。

9. call sb up给…打**。

10. a ticket to a ball game 一场球赛的票。

11. surprise sb使…惊讶。

12. pay for支付…

13. borrow sth from sb从…借…

14. buy sb sth为某人买某物。

15. h**e no idea不知道。

16. h**e the same haircut有同样的发型。

17. find out查明。

18. get a tutor请家教。

19. need to do需要去做。

20. invite sb to do sth邀请某人去做某事。

21. le**e sth at home把某物落在家里。

22. fail (in) sth做某事失败。

23. get on well with sb与…相处融洽。

24. be the same as与…相同的。

25. return sth归还某物。

26. look up…in a dictionary在字典中查找…

27. h**e a fight with sb与…打架。

28. compare with与…比较。

29. complain to sb about sth向…抱怨某事。

30. be/feel under (too much) pressure


different clothes买不同的衣服。

sb from 名词 to 名词。


33. not…unti直到…才…l

34. fit as much as possible into their kids lives


35. nothing new屡见不鲜。

36. push sb hard厉害地强迫某人。

37. be always doing总是在做某事。

38. plan to do计划做某事。

39. on the one hand一方面。

40. on the other hand另一方面。

41. start from a very young age从很小的年龄开始。

重点句型:1. what should i do?我应该怎么做?

2. you could write him a letter.你可以写信给他。

3. what should he do?他应该怎么做?

4. maybe he should say he's sorry.也许他应该说抱歉。

5. what should they do?他们应该怎么做?

6. they shouldn't argue.他们不应该争吵。


1. i don't h**e enough money.我没有足够的钱。


eg. do you h**e enough time? 你有足够的时间吗?

six pieces of ***** will be enough. 六张纸应该够。

2. i argued with my best friend.我与我最好的朋友吵架了。

argue with sb.意为"与。争吵,争论"

eg. he often argue with his classmates.他经常和他同学吵架。

3. my clothes are out of style.我的衣服过时了。

be out of style / fashion表示"过时""不合乎时尚"

反义词是"be in fashion"表示"合乎时尚"

eg. he is aways in fashion.他总是很时尚。

the sofa is out of style, and i don't like it.那沙发已经过时了,我不喜欢。

4. maybe you should call him up.或许你可以打**给他。


eg. maybe you are right.或许你是对的。

maybe they will go out for a walk.他们可能会出去散步。

maybe不同于may be。maybe是一个词,是副词,may be是情态动词may加上动词原形be,意为"或许",后接形容词、名词、代词等。

eg. it may be true.也许是真的。

he may be the man we are looking for.他可能就是我们要找的那个人。

2)call sb up .打**给某人。

eg. i called up zhang hong at eight o'clock.我八点的时候打**给张宏。

原句中him为代词,所以放在call和up之间,不能说成call up him。

eg. i'll call her up this afternoon.下午我会。

could you ask him to call me, please.在这个句子中,省略up。

5. i don't want to surprise him.我不想使他惊讶。

在这句话中surprise是个行为动词,可以说成"surprise sb.",表示"使。惊讶"。

eg. the news surprises us greatly.

surprised adj.惊讶的。

surprising adj.令人惊讶的。

eg. i'm surprised to hear the news.

it's a surprising gift, and i love it.

6. no, he doesn't h**e any money, either.不,他也没有钱。


eg. he doesn't like singing, and he doesn't like dancing, either.


eg. either of them will agree with you.

i don't like either of the books.

7. i need to get some money to pay for summer camp.我需要一些钱支付夏令营。



you need not meet him.你不必见他。

need i repeat it?我有必要重复它吗?

对上一句的简略回答为:yes, you need. no, you needn't.

此外情态动词must提问时,否定回答时为no, .needn't。

例如:must he finish the homework now?

yes, he must. no, he needn't.

当need作行为动词时,同其他行为动词一样对待,need后加不定式为"need to do"。

例如:i need to finish the work.

变为疑问句时,不能像它作情态动词时直接提前,而要加助动词do/ does/ did等,例如:

he needs to write many words.

改成一般问句:does he need to write many words?


yes, he does. no, he doesn't.

2)(sb.)pay(money)for sth.为。而付款。

sb.)spend(money)on sth在。上花多少钱。

sth.)cost sb.(money)什么东西值多少钱。

这三个短语都是表示付款。但pay, spend指的是"人",主语为人,而cost指的是"物",主语为"物"。


he paid 10 yuan for the book yesterday.

he spent 10 yuan on the book yesterday.

the book cost him 10 yuan yesterday.


pay---paid spend --spent cost---cost







情态动词can, may, might, could, would and should等。

might ,could ,would, should 四个情态动词既是may, can, will, shall的过去时,又不表示过去时,而是情态动词,要同实义动词连用,常用的还有must ,needn’t, can’t. might 表示小于50%的可能性,could 表示一种客气的请求, would 表示有礼貌的邀请,should 表示应当,该。


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