
发布 2022-12-28 07:46:28 阅读 8111

unit7 would you mind turning down the music?



you mind (not) doing sth.…?你介意(不)做……吗?

同意 no, do please./no, not at all.

go ahead, please.

certainly not.

of course not.

不同意 yes, i do mind.

yes. you’d better not.

i’m afraid not.

i’m sorry but…


/ could/will you please (not ) do sth.…?请你(不)做……好吗?

肯定回答常用:certainly… ,sure…, ok…,no problem…,glad to ….等,否定回答常用sorry…

练习:1. could you please __your bike?

a. moving b .to move c. move d. moved

2. -do you mind lending me your dictionary?

a. no, i can’t. b. yes, of course not.

c. yes, here you are. d.

sorry, i am using it myself.

3. -would you mind if i open the window?

a. sorry, i can’t. b. no, go ahead. c. it’s pleasure. d. it’s really cold.

4. would you mind my smoking here? (改为同义句)

do you mindhere?

5. would you mind moving your bike ?


you mind getting out of the bathroom,?


you mind cleaning your room?



一. right now 立刻,马上。

表示短期的将来,与一般将来时连用。意为马上的时候,同义词: right away, at once, 相当于in a moment.

right away 有时意为“此时”,相当于at the moment.

辨析:just ,just now, right now


1). just 意思是方才,刚刚,用于完成时。

i h**e just bought a new dictionary. 我刚刚买了一本新字典。

the train has just left. 火车刚刚开走。

2). just now 意为刚才,意义等同于 a moment ago, a short time ago, 用于过去时。

mr. li went into his office just now. 李先生刚才走进他的办公室。

3). right now 意思是立刻,立即,多用于将来时。

mr. li will tell us the result right now. 李先生会马上告诉我们结果。

练习:1.用 right now或 right away填空。

(1) yes , mom! i’ll do it

(2) i’m sorry, he is not here


your grandmother is ill , you’d better take her to the hospital right away.

a. at times b. at once c. not far away d. later on

二.turn down 调小,降低(音量等)

the baby is sleeping. please turn down the radio.

归纳:turn againstturn inturn into

turn offturn onturn over

turn toturn up

练习:a little dark in the roomthe light, please.

a. turn onb. turn down c. turn offd. turn to

radio is too noisy. please

a. turn down it b. turn off it c. turn it offd. turn it down

3.--the radio is too noisy and there is nothing interesting on it. why don’t you

---all right. i’ll do that.

a. turn it on b. turn it offc. turn it backd. turn it up

三.annoy v.使人烦恼。

annoyed adj. 气恼的,烦恼的

get annoyed 变得气恼 be annoyed with sb. 生某人的气 be annoyed at/by sth. 因为某事气恼。

练习:1. when he heard the bad news, he当他听到这个坏消息,他变得气恼。

2. ihis impudence. 我因为他的厚颜无耻而生气。

3. shehim because he was late. 因为他的迟到,她对他生气了。

四.perhaps adv.或许,大概,可能。

辨析:perhaps , maybe

1. maybe也是副词,意思与perhaps基本相同。

maybe/perhaps you put it in your basket.

2. maybe 可用于句首和句尾,perhaps可用于句首和句中。

maybe/perhaps they will go to the park.

he will perhaps come today.

五.line 队,列。

wait in line 排队等候 cut in line 插队 standing in a line 排队站着。

六.辨析:also, too, as well, either


1. also用于肯定句,一般放在be动词和助动词之后或行为动词之前。

he is also a teacher.

she also likes football.

2. too用于肯定句,位于句尾,一般在其前面用逗号隔开。

i went to the park, too.

3. as well 在口语中用得很多,用法基本和too一样,通常可以互换,位于句尾。

she is a teacher, and is a singer as well.

4. either 只用于否定句中,置于句尾前面常用逗号隔开。

he can’t swim, i can’t ,either.

if you don’t go there, i won’t, either.


1. the teacher is coming. would you mindclean) the blackboard?

2. the river is very dirty. it smellsterrible). it isterrible) polluted.

3. last night he watched anexcite) football match on tv, and he was soexcite) that he couldn’t get to sleep.


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