
发布 2023-01-01 15:27:28 阅读 9860



talk show 脱口秀

复习:show n. 节目,演出(可数)

soap opera 肥皂剧 (可数)

sports show 体育节目

sitcom = situation comedy 情景喜剧(可数)

game show 游戏节目

talent show 才艺节目(达人秀)

news n.(电视台或电台的)新闻 (不可数)

i like to watch news. 我喜欢看新闻。

n. 消息。(不可数)

i heard a piece of news. 我听到了一则消息。

soccer game 足球比赛(节目)

复习:game n. 游戏,比赛(可数)


cctv news **电视台新闻

evening news 晚间新闻

weather report 天气预报

小知识:report n. 报道,报告。(可数)

sports news 体育新闻

基本句型1what do you want to watch? 你想要看什么?

i want to watch game shows. 我想要看游戏节目。

what does he/she want to watch?

he/she wants to watch soup operas.



基本句型2do you want to watch a game show? 你想要看一个游戏节目吗?

yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

does he/she want to watch the news?

yes, he/she does. /no, he/she doesn’t.

基本句型3what do you think of talk shows? 关于脱口秀你怎么看?

i like/love them .我喜欢它们。

i don’t like/love them. 我不喜欢它们。

i don’t mind them. 我不介意它们(即:谈不上喜欢也谈不上不喜欢。)

i can’t stand them. 我无法忍受它们。


小知识:what do you think of sb./sth.?

how do you like sb./sth.? 用于询问他人对人或事物的看法。

回答时可以加上“i think ··以显得更加的委婉客气。

how do you like him? 你对他怎么看?

i think he is ok. 我认为他还行。

what do you think of this soup opera?

i think i can’t stand them at all. 我认为我根本无法忍受它们。

复习:stand vi. 站,站立。

小知识:stand v.忍受。

常见用法:1)stand sb./sth. 忍受···常用于否定句)

i can’t stand you! 我无法忍受你。

john can’t stand that thing. 约翰无法忍受那件事。

i couldn’t stand the movie! it is too boring! 我没法忍受那部电影,它太无聊了。

mary couldn’t stand the hot weather. 玛丽无法忍受这炎热的天气。

2)stand doing sth. 忍受做某事。

i can’t stand watching this boring tv show. 我没法忍受看这个无聊的电视节目。

i can’t stand listening to you. 我没法忍受听你讲了。

3)stand + that + 陈述句的宾语从句。

your teacher can’t stand that you don’t like to do your homework. 你的老师无法忍受你不喜欢做你的作业这件事了。

i don’t want to stand that you always hurt me. 我不想忍受你总是伤害我这件事了。

john couldn’t stand that all his classmates didn’t like him.

小知识:mind v.介意。

常见用法:1)mind sth. 介意···

i don’t mind game shows. 我不介意游戏节目。

what do you think of this talk show? i don’t mind it.

2)mind that+宾语从句。 意为“介意···

i don’t mind that you always make fun of me. 我不介意你老是拿我取乐。

do you mind that i sit here? 你介意我坐在这吗?


3)mind + doing sth. 介意做···

do you mind sitting next to me? 你介意挨着我坐吗? do you mind taking a photo with me?


4)mind one’s/sb. doing. 介意某人作某事。(可以用“mind + that + 陈述句的宾语从句”来替换)

do you mind my smoking here? =do you mind me smoking here? =do you mind that i smoke here?


sorry, i really mind your opening the window. because i had a cold. =sorry, i really mind you opening the window.

because i had a cold. =sorry, i really mind that you open the window. because i had a cold.


基本句型4do you plan to watch sitcoms tonight? 你今晚打算看情景喜剧吗?

yes, i do. /no, i don’t.

does he/she plan to watch a sitcom?

yes, he/she does. /no, he/she doesn’t.


思考2:两个问句中第一个用的sitcoms,第二个用的a sitcom,两者有什么区别?

小知识:plan v. 计划, 打算。

常见用法:plan to do (sth.) 计划做某事,打算做某事。

i plan to take a vacation in summer. 我打算在夏季去度个假。

we planed to learn three new words every night. 我们曾经计划每晚学三个新的单词。

he plans to go swimming tomorrow.

基本句型5what do you plan to watch tonight? 你今晚计划看什么?

i plan to watch a/the game show.

what does he/she plan to watch tonight?

he/she plans to watch a/the sitcom.



基本句型6what can/do you except to learn from sitcoms? 你期待从情景喜剧中(可以)学到什么?

you can learn some great jokes. 你可以学到一些很棒的笑话。

复习:learn v. 学习,学到。

常见搭配:1)learn sth. 学到···

i am learning english these days. 我这些日子在学英语。

2)learn sth. from sb./sth. 从···学到···

i learned a lesson from this story. 我从这个故事中学到了一个教训。

she learned a lot of things from her mom.

she learned a lot from her mom.

3)learn sth. about sb./sth.

she learned a lot of stories about you.

she learned a lot about you.

4)learn to do (sth.) 学习去做···

john learned to swim.

5)learn how to do (sth.) 学习如何去做···

he wants to learn how to do homework.

小知识:expect v. 期望,期待。


常见用法:1)expect to do (sth.)

i expect to watch a tv show tonight.

2)expect sb. to do (sth.)

i expect you to help me.

3)expect that+陈述句的宾语从句。

i expect that you can help me.

小辨析:want, wish, hope与expect


小知识:want v. 想要,期望。


常见用法:1)want sb./sth.

2)want to do (sth.)

3)want sb. to do (sth.)


小知识:wish v.希望。



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