
发布 2022-12-28 07:18:28 阅读 3923

unit 1 will people h**e robots?



1.由“will/shall+动词原形” 构成的一般将来时。系动词 am、 is、 are 的原形都是 be.如: it will[,

2.与一般将来时连用的时间状语有: tomorrow、 the day after tomorrow、 next week、 soon、 in[,

be 句型中的一般将来时。

there will be+名词+其他成分如: there will be fewer

4.形容词 more、 fewer、 和 less 的用法。

more 更多的原形 many 和 much. 修饰 c 复数或 u.

fewer 更少的原形 few. 修饰 c 复数。

less 更少的原形 little. 修饰 u.

unit2 what should i do?


1.情态动词 should.

should 和 can、 may、 must 等情态动词一样, 无人称和数的变化, 后接动词原形, 能独立构[,

2.情态动词 could.

单独的情态动词, 表“能, 可以” 。用来提供建议, 后跟动词原形。它和 should 都用来提供建[,

money to buy some clothes in style. what should i do?

---you could borrow some money from your friends.

---no, i don’t like to do that.

---then you should get a part-time job and make some money.


1 you should/could +do … 你应该/可以…

2 why not +do…? 为什么不 …?做…怎么样?

3 why don’t you +do…? 你为什么不 …?

4 what/how about +doing …?如何?

unit3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?



1. 过去进行时表在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作。是由“was/were+[,

2. 过去进行时还可表在过去某个时间即将发生的动作。主要限于 come、 go、 le**e、 meet、[,

3. 判断句子是否用过去进行时。

1 根据时间状语判断: at eight/ten o’clock last night、 at this/that time yesterday、 at ten yesterday[,

2 根据 when或 while 引导的状语从句判断, 如: i was reading the news***** when my father got[,

3 根据上下文的意思判断, 如: last night, i was watching tv. suddenly(突然) the light was out.

4. when 与 while 在过去进行时中的句型结构。

1) when 的用法:

1 when 从句(一般过去时)+主句(过去进行时)

动作: fell into the sea、 fishing.

例句: when one of them fell into the sea, the boys were fishing.

意义: 主句动作正在进行过程中, 又发生从句动作。

2 when 从句(过去进行时) +主句(一般现在时)

动作: walking、 dropped down to.

例句: when i was walking in the park, my wallet dropped down to the ground.

意义: 从句动作正在进行时, 又有主句动作发生。

2) while 的用法:

1 while 从句(过去进行时) +主句(一般现在时)

动作: watching、 began to rain.

例句: while i was watching the football game, it began to rain.

意义: 从句动作正在进行时, 又发生主句动作。

2 while 从句(过去进行时) +主句(过去进行时)

动作: washing、 cooking.

例句: while dad was washing his car, mum was cooking.

意义: 从句动作正在进行的同时, 主句动作也在进行中。

5. 特别提示。

when 引导的从句既可表某一点时间, 后接瞬间性动词(when 句型◇[,

when we arrived in shanghai, it was just eight o’clock.(when 指一点时间)

when/while we were watching tv, he came in.(when 与 while 指一段时间)

注意: while (×we arrived in shanghai…

unit4 he said i was hard-working.



1. 含义: 引述别人的话时, 采用两种方式: 一是引用别人的原话, 两边用引号标出, 称为[,

2. 直接引语变间接引语的方法。

1) 从句人称的变化。

1 直接引语的主语是第一人称变化时要和主句的主语保持一致。

2 直接引语的主语是第二人称变化时要与主句的宾语保持一致。

3 直接引语的主语是第三人称变化时人称不变。如:

they said, “we will go there by bus.” they said they would go there by bus.

she said to me,“are you interested in science?” she asked me if i was interested in science.

his mother told me that he couldn’t go to school.

2) 从句动词时态的变化。

1 主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时或一般将来时, 直接引语变化时, 从句时态保持一致。如:

he says, “i h**e finished my homework.” he says that he has finished his homework.

she will say, “i’ll do it tomorrow.” she will say that she’ll do it the next day.

2 主句的时态是一般过去时, 从句的时态要作相应的变化, 即:

1 一般现在时——一般过去时。

2 一般过去时——过去完成时。

3 现在进行时——过去进行时。

4 现在完成时——过去完成时。

5 过去完成时——过去完成时(不变)。

6 一般将来时——过去将来时。 如:

the girl said, “i’m sorry for being late for class.” the girl said that she was sorry for being

he said to me, “i am writing a letter.” he told me that he was writing a letter.

3) 直接引语如果是客观事实或真理, 变化时, 从句时态不变。 如:

the teacher said, “the earth moves around the sun.” the teacher said that the earth moves

3. 指示代词、 时间状语、 地点状语和动词的变化。

1) 指示代词变化: this——that. these——those 等。

2) 时间状语变化: now——then. today——that day. yesterday——the day before.[,

3) 地点状语变化: here——there.

4) 动词变化: come——go. 如:

she said, “i will come this evening.” she said that she would go that evening.


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