
发布 2022-12-29 22:54:28 阅读 8180


unit 3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived?


课文解析】1. what were you doing when the ufo arrived?

(1)这是一个含有时间状语从句的主从复合句,主句为what were you doing,从句是由连词when引导的时间状语从句,说明主句动作发生的时间。

ex: the students were talking when the teacher came in.

i was watching tv when the bell rang.

when i got home, my mother was cooking.

(2)arrive 是不及物动词,如果表示到达某地,则用arrive in /at …,相当于get to…或reach。需要注意的是,reach是及物动词,必须跟地点。get to 跟地点名词,如果是地点副词,则省略介词。

如:get here/ home/there。

when did you

when did youto school?

they didn’tin china yesterday.

we willthere in two days.

(a. arrive b. get c. reach)

2. while the girl was shopping, the alien got out.

while 在此处用作连词,意为“正当……时”,引导一个时间状语从句,通常用过去进行时,而主句通常用一般过去时,也可用过去进行时。

ex: ①while i was sleeping, the telephone rang.

=i was sleepingthe telephone rang.

②jim was watching the soccer game while tom was reading.

3. when the ufo took off, the man was standing in front of the bank.

take off 意为“起飞”,took是take的过去式。take off 还可表示“拿去,取消,脱掉(衣帽)”等。

ex: ①it’s hot in the room. you’d better take off your coat.


they will take off the 5 am train.

4. the dog got out of his box and ran away.

此处的get out of … 意为“从……出来”,对应短语为get into… 也可表示上/下车(car, taxi),而上/下公共汽车、火车等则用get on /off…。

①mr. blackhis car, then went into the shop.

a. get out ofb. got off c. got out d. got out of

please get the car outthe garage.(车库)

a. fromb. offc. of

ran away意为“逃跑”,ran 是run 的过去式。

he ran awaythe room.

a. ofb. offc. from

a. surprising b. amazing c. surprised d. amazed

类似的词还有:exciting /excited, relaxing /relaxed, interesting /interested, boring/ bored

we had **acation.

a. exciting b. interesting c. relaxed d. relaxing

we arein what you said.

a. interesting b. excited c. surprised d. interested

10. i followed to see where it was going.

follow 意为“跟随,追随”。

ex: ①speak slowly, please. i can’t follow you.

follow sb. to do sth.

四。 语法:

1. you can’t imagine how strange it was!

此句中的how strange it was是一个感叹句。感叹句的构成有两种:


ex: what a clever boy!

what an exciting class!

what amazing news!

what beautiful flowers!

(2)how +形容词/副词+主语+动词!

how clever the boy is!

how exciting the class is!

how slowly the car goes!

how hard he studies!




答案 c单元测试题。


1.it was raining hard when the plane a in shanghai.

2.every room in the hotel has a private b .

3.while the alien was buying a s ,the girl called the police.

4.you can i how strange tile ufo is.

5.i bought a new book m english.it’s quite good and it helps me a lot.


1.icomputer games when the telephone rang.

2.while the hoysin the classroom,someone knocked at the door.

3.theythe summer palace last saturday.

4.the boyme a nice watch yesterday.

5.theybreakfast at the time.

6.—what were you doing at seven yesterday evening?

ifor a test.

7.lucybreakfast at home yesterday morning.

8.maryher mother with the housework this time yesterday.

9heto see you last saturday?

10.my motherthe washing when i came back.



the dogthe box and


the famous scientisthimselfa common person.


the sunall of them go outside


whattheywhen theythe event?


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