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2010中考英语复习课本知识整理unit 1-2



1.pronounce v.发……音。

can you pronounce these words? 你会发这些单词的音吗 ?

1)pronounce 不及物动词,意为“发……音”。

pronounce your words clearly.你把单词的音发清楚。

i don't know how to pronounce the word. 我不知道怎样读那个单词。


a word with two pronunciations 一个有两种发音的单词。

he speaks english fluently,but his pronunciation is poor.他英语说得很流利,但他的发音不好。

4.afraid adj .害怕的

are you afraid to go out alone at night? 你害怕夜晚独自出去吗?

afraid意为“害怕的,恐怕”,在句中常作表语。常用结构有:be afraid of sth.“害怕某事”.be afraid to do sth.“害怕做某事”.be afraid+ that“恐怕……”

i am afraid of snakes.我怕蛇。

he is afraid to go to beijing by himself.他害怕一个人去北京。

i'm afraid that he won't come this evening.我恐怕他今天晚上不会来了。

5.afford v.买得起,提供

this kind of computer is too expensive and i can't afford it.这种电脑太贵了,我买不起。

afford常用作及物动词,意为“买(经受)得起……;给予,提供”,其后常接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语, afford后还可接双宾语。

at last i can afford a watch.我终于买得起一只手表了。

i could not afford so much money for a bicycle.我出不起那么多钱买一辆自行车。

i'll afford you a chance.我将给你提供一个机会。

一do you learn english by reading aloud?

一yes.1 often read aloud to practice mypronounce).

he isdogs,so he never keeps any of them at home.

a.interested in b.afraid of c.worried about d.interesting in

the art club is for members only.you can't go inyou are a member.

a.unless b.because c.if d.though

一 listen! is professor johnson giving a report.n the hall?

一no,it __be him.he has gone to japan.

a.needn't b.may not c.mustn't d.can't

we can hardly to buy this kind of computer because it is too expensive.

a.offer b.afford c.able d.h**e

classes will begin in five minutes and_ _that arthur will be late.

a.i believe b.i think c.i am afraid d.i am sure

一why do you turn down the radio?

一i'm __waking the baby.

a.afraid of b.busy with c.careful for d.willing to



regard problems as challenges.把问题看作是挑战。

思维拓展。regard…as…同义词组有h**e…as…把……当作…”·look on…as…把……看作……。regard…as…侧重外部形象或主观视觉上的评价。

we all regard him as our friend.我们都把他当作我们的朋友。


we h**e him as our monitor.我们让他当我们的班长。

look on…as…与regard...as...意思相同,侧重 “把……看作……”

i look on him as a good friend.我把他视为好友。

3.end up结束。告终。

his words ended up the class meeting.他的话结束了班会。

指点迷津。(1)end up为动词短语,后面可直接加名词或动词的一 ing形式。end up doing sth.结束做某事。

they ended up tr**elling in canada at the news.听到这个消息,他们结束了在加拿大的旅行。

2)end up with表示“以……结束,告终”,其反义词组为start/begin with以……开始。

the english party began with an english song and ended up with a well—known piano music.英语晚会一首英文歌开始,以一首著名的钢琴曲结束。

思维拓展。1)in the end“最后,终于”,相当于at last,finally。

we won in the end.最后,我们取得了胜利。

2)to the end表示到某一终点为止,指地点,也指时间。

go down the street to the end and you will find the shop.沿着这条街走到尽头,你将会找到那个商店。

3)by the end of到……为止,在……以前,常与过去完成时连用。

he had finished the work by the end of last month.上个月底以前他就已经完成了那项工作。

4)at the end of在……末尾,在……尽头,后既可以接表示时问的名词,也可以接表示地点的名词。

the hospital is at the end of the road.医院就在路的尽头。

he will come to see you at the end of this month.这个月底他要来看你。

4.deal with处理。

how did you deal with the money? 你怎样处理那些钱?

1)deal with意为“处理,解决”,为动介结构短语,with为介词,其后常接trouble,problem等词。

i am good at dealing with pressure.我善于应付压力。

2)deal with还可意为“与……打交道,与……做买卖”,此时,主语通常是表示人、公司、商店等的名词。

my eider brother will deal with you later on.我哥哥以后会来收拾你的。

指点迷津deal with与do with


1)deal with侧重“方式方法”,常与how连用。

how are you going to deal with the tv set? 你打算怎么处理这台电视机?


units 7 8 知识梳理 课文解析 2 include为动词,意为 包含,包括,包括 在内 the cat family includes lions and tigers 猫科动物包括狮和虎。3 included为形容词,意为 包括在内的 无比较等级,常用于名词之后。它和including引起...


units 7 8 知识梳理 课文解析 2 include为动词,意为 包含,包括,包括 在内 the cat family includes lions and tigers 猫科动物包括狮和虎。3 included为形容词,意为 包括在内的 无比较等级,常用于名词之后。它和including引起...

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