
发布 2022-12-30 06:57:28 阅读 8160


chapter 1

重点词语:1. lose one’ s memory失去记忆 to do sth. 同意做某事。

3. be connected to 与…连接 angry with sth.对某人生气。

受伤 修理。

记忆 down=go wrong出现故障。

=subject 主题 a and b 在a和b之间。

知识要点:大脑(指抽象的思维) =brain(一般指器官)lose one’s mind 发疯。

lose one’ s memory 失忆 ,you lose your memory.

make up one’s mind to do 作出决定。

keep/bear sb/sth in mind将…记在心中。

拓展:a) mind doing sth. 介意做某事用于疑问句或否定句中。

you mind my smoking?

b) mind sth. 当心 eg. please mind the step. 当心台阶。

2. imagine 想象 +句子\doing sth.

eg. i can't imagine what has happened. 我想象不出发生了什么事。

n死亡 die v死亡 husband died suddenly last week.

dead adj. 失去生命的 mother’s dead;she died in 1987.我的母亲不在了,她是2023年去世的。

eg. the computer died \ was dead. =the computer didn’t work.

以。结尾 end sth with sth以…为结束。

ended the play with a song.他们以一首歌结束了这出戏。

at the end of the week/month/year在周末、月底、年终时(in the end最后)

wrong出现问题 =don’t work

went wrong=stopped working=didn’t work)

语法if 引导的条件状语从句。


1) 结构: if作“如果”解,用来引导条件状语从句,可放在主句前面或后面。

eg. if i finish my report, i will be very happy.

i will be very happy, if i finish my report.

2)unless 除非 =if ……not



4)转换 if从句和主句还可以由“祈使句+and、or+简单句”代替

and:句意顺承 or:否则。

eg. if you study hard, you’ll pass exam.

study hard, and you’ll pass exam.

if you don’t hurry up, you’ll miss the train.

hurry up, or you’ll miss the train.

5)if 有“是否”的意思。

eg. do you know if(是否) he will come tomorrow?

i don’t know if (是否)he will come tomorrow.

if(如果) he comes ,i will tell you .

chapter 2

重点词语:around the world 全世界 number of =some一些

full of=be filled with 充满…… on screen 上映。

=make=produce 产生 each other一起。

7. feel like doing sth. =want to do sth.想要做某事。

8. get into trouble =cause a problem 使……陷入麻烦。

9.stay up =go to bed very late 熬夜。

= want to know 想知道。

= everywhere = here and there 到处。

知识要点:n成功successful adj. 成功的

succeed in doing sth. v成功做某事 successfully adv. 成功地。

eg. it was a great success.

2. a number of 一些(复数) the number of ……的数量(单数)

eg. the number of students in our class is 51, and a number of them are good students.

3. though 尽管。

though he is old , he runs fast .=he runs fast though he is old .


= easily get angry 脾气坏的。

do you think of …?how do you like…?


1) adj.+ n 作定语。

eg. she is a tall, beautiful girl.

2)be/look /sound,/smell/taste /feel /seem+ adj. 作表语

有些形容词只能作表语: alive , awake , asleep ,alone ……

eg. it sounds good.

2) make, keep, want, find, think, like, prefer +sb. +adj. 作宾语补足语。

eg. we make the child happy.

4) it is +adj. +to do sth. sth. +is +adj. +to do sth.

eg. it is interesting to read the book.

chapter 3

重点词语:热量2. take action 采取行动

=lead to 导致 order to…为了…

= tell 通知 = thankful 感激。

7. reach=get in=arrive at\in到达 in 吸收(反义词:give sth out)

sth. =like sth. better 10. mountains of= a lot of=lots of 许多。

sth. =stop\prevent……(from)doing sth.阻止……做某事。

12. prefer a to b =like a better than b 喜欢a 甚于b

a problem=work out a problem 解决问题。

知识要点:1. n+less=adj.(反)

home(家)+less= homeless (无家可归)

2. too much + n 太多(数量)

much too + adj. 太… (程度)

eg. i can’t eat too muchi was much too tired.

与if 转换 eg. without water,we would be die.

=if there is no water, we would be died.

order to +do sth

in order that + 句子。

much (+不可数名词) as 和… 一样多。

as many (+可数名词)as 和….一样多。

语法:1) when we ask for reasons, we use 'why'

the reason why+句子。

2) because+句子 because of +短语。


eg. he didn’t come to school because he was ill.

he was ill, so he didn’t come to school.

3)like a)像…… 表示事物在一个或多个方面相同 b)喜欢。

eg. who dose he look like? which book do you like?


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