中学教材全解八年级英语 上 总结

发布 2022-12-29 22:20:28 阅读 8154

module 1 how to learn english


1. welcome back, everyone.欢迎大家回到学校。

welcome v. 欢迎。

welcome sb. to + 地点欢迎某人到某地。

welcome you to our school.欢迎你到我们学校来。

welcome home! 欢迎回家!(home为副词,所以前面不用to)

welcome n.欢迎,迎接。

a warm welcome 热情欢迎。

a cold welcome 冷遇。

2. now because it's a new term, i'm going to give you some advice.


advice意为“建议,意见”,是不可数名词。表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice, 表示“一些建议”用some advice。

i'll give you some advice on how to look after your pet dog.


搭配] —give sb. some advice / give some advice to sb. 给某人提一些建议。

ask for advice 征求意见。

follow / take sb.’ s advice 接受某人的建议。

7. 拓展。


sb. (not) to do sth.结构,意为“建议某人(不要)做某事”。

she advised us to wait (for) one more day. 她建议我们再等一天。

3. why don't you write it down? 你们为何不把它记下来呢?

1)why don't you do…?是英语中一个重要的句型,意为“你(们)为什么不做事呢?”,多用来向对方提出建议。该句型还可简化为“why not do…?”

why don't you read news*****s in english? =why not read news*****s english?


中考链接。一look! it's raining he**ily. _take a raincoat with you?

well, i'll take one right now.

a. why not b. why don't c. would you mind d. would you like

解析:四个选项都是提建议的句型,但后跟的动词形式不一样:why not + 动词原形…?

why don't you + 动词原形? would you mind doing…? would you like to do...

所以只能选a。 答案:a

2)write down意为“写下,记下”,其同义短语为put down。其宾语若是名词,放在down前后均可;若是代词作宾语,须放在down之前。

please write down these new words in your notebook.

please write these new words down in your notebook.


please write them down. 请把它们记下来。

4. you should always speak english in class. 课堂上大家应该一直讲英语。

speak v.说话;讲(语言)

can you speak english? 你会讲英语吗?

辨析:say,speak, talk 与 tell



“交谈,谈话”,指跟少数人“随意地说”,不侧重说的内容。talk常与介词to, with, about连用。


he says he will go to shanghai to visit his grandparents.


the child is learning to speak.这个孩子正在学习说话。

don't talk with each other freely in class.上课不要随便相互交谈。

tell me the time, please.请告诉我时间。

一言辨异。after she spoke at the meeting, she talked with the students. she told them that what she said was very important.


5. what else? 还有其他的吗?


he has something else to tell you. 他还有一些别的事情要告诉你。

who else are you waiting for? 你还在等谁?

辨析:else 与 other


1)else用作形容词或副词,常用于修饰不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词,也可以修饰all, much,little等词,修饰这些词时,else要位于其后,作后置定语。

where else are you going? 你还要去哪儿?

i'm taking some clothes and books, not much else.


else还可以构成所有格,即else's, 意为“另外的 / 其他的(人或物)”。

my books are much more than anybody else's. 我的书比其他任何人的书都多很多。


we learn chinese, maths, english and some other subjects at school.



some students are playing under the tree and others are flying kites over there. 一些学生在树下玩耍,还有一些在那边放风筝。_

6. it's a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.


本句为“it is +名词(短语)+ to do sth. ”句式,it是形式主语,动词不定式短语是句子的真正主语。

it's your turn to play the piano. 轮到你弹钢琴了。

7. how about listening to the radio or reading a news***** in english?


how about...相当于“what about…?”用来与对方商量或者询问对方的情况或意见,about是介词,后跟名词、代词或动名词。

i like english. how about you? 我喜欢英语。你呢?

how about going fishing? 去钩鱼怎么样?

中考链接。一how about raising money for the people in yushu, qinghai?

a. good idea b. enjoy yourself c. never mind d. you're welcome

解析:how about...句型用于征求建议,其肯定回答用good idea。

答案:a8. but try not to translate every word. 但是尽量不要逐词翻译。

1)try to do sth. 尽力去做某事。此结构也是提出建议的一种方式,它的否定形式为:try not to do sth. 尽力不要做某事。

拓展。try doing sth. 表示“尝试傲某事”。

he tried putting some sugar into the coffee. 他试着往咖啡里加了一些糖。

2)translate意为“翻译,译”,是动词。常见搭配: translate…into...意为“把……译成……”也可以表示为 put…into…或change…into…

would you like to translate the passage about zhou jielun into english for me?

would you like to put the passage about zhou jielun into english for me?

would you like to change the passage about zhou jielun into english for me?


9. i think everyone should h**e a pen friend and write email messages to each her.



中学教材全解八年级英语 上 人教版 教材听力原文

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