
发布 2022-12-29 00:38:28 阅读 8221


危险的).2. my brother is a勇敢的)boy. heisnt afraid of difficulty at all.


在,中间) s too hard to find it.

5. its our责任) to clean ourclassroom every day .

6. he挽救) his friends life froma serious illness.

传播) know it now.

8. he is a有帮助的) young man.9. -may i ask you some问题)?-sure.

10. all the students are检。

查)their *****s carefully before the exam is over.


1. could you捎个口信) for him.

2. the second world war爆发) in 1939.

3. must we keep the windows open一直)?

赶快),orwewillbe late for school.

5. germs can进入)the humanbody in many ways

6. what s hould we do to远离)germs?

玩得开心)inbeijing last year.

8. -could i speak to dr. li,please请稍等),please.

9.我将捎个口信给他ill him the10.我是比尔,我想给汤姆留口信。

this is bill. id like to



the doctorsthe12.当莉莉回来的时候,你叫她回一个**给我,好吗?

when lilycould you please ask herto


15请告诉我爸爸不要忘记明天下午的会议。please __my fatherforget thetalk tomorrow afternoon


)1. its raining outside. youd better __out.

a. gob. dont goc. not god. not to go

)2. -must we go there by train?--no, you___

a. cantb. mustntc. needntd. dont

)3. the doctors should carethe p

atients day and night.

a. ofb. offc. ford. in

)4.--could i speak to miss gao, please?--im afraid she isnt in __

)5.--do you learn english by___at homeat weekends, lucy and lily?--yes, we do.

a. youb. yourc. yourselfd. yourselves

)6. we wont be back __ten, so dont worry___us.

a. at; forb. until; forc.

until; aboutd. at; at( )7. youd better do more exercise toa.

build yourselfb. build up you

c. build up yourselfd. build yourself up() english well.

a. to learnb. learnc. learningd. learns() fresh air come in.

a. to openb. openedc. openingd. open

)10. we must eatfood and do moreexercise.

a. healthb. healthyc.

healthilyd. unhealthy( )11. dont be afraidme questions ifyou dont understand.

a. askb. askedc. askingd. of asking

)12. tom can only talkshis father___the phone.

a. to; in b. with; on c.

with; byd. to; by( )13. my mother likes to listen to light musicto help her

a. relaxingb. relaxedc.

relaxesd. relax( )14. please___me the truth.

maybe i canhelp you.

a. speakb. tellc. talkd. say

)15. smoking is bad for our health. so we mustsayit.

a. hello tob. sorry toc. yes tod. no to()

a. teachb. to teachc.

teachingd. to teaching( )17. the teachers often tell us __latefor class.

a. beb. to bec. not bed. not to be

)18. my bike is brok en. i __walk toschool.

a. h**e tob. has toc. mustd. neednt

) book is __for children to has no difficult words.


)20 --whats the matter with __boy?--he hasillness.

a. a; anb. the; anc. the; thed. a; the( )21. its important __ussomegood books.

a. for; readb. to; to readc. to; readingd. for;to read

)22. the sunlight came into the room __the windows.

a. pastb. inc. throughd. across

)23ndash; hello! may i speak to lily?ndash;sorry, you?

a. take b. le**e c. give d. bring

)24. its autumn. the farmers are busy __


a. to pick b. pick c.

picks d. picking( )25. we __last night and told him the ring up him b.

ring him up c. rang him up up him

hello. i am her sister. d. i am wang fangspeaking.

)27. the teacher tells us __her carefullyin her class.

a. to listen to b. to listen c. listening to

)28. -must we go to see a doctor at oncewhen we h**e a cold?

no, you

a. must not b. dont c. neednt d. h**e to( )isto carry the strong enough enough

)30 the little girl has fun songs.

a. sing b. to sing c. sang d. singing书面表达:



7.不去拥挤的地方8.多喝白开水9.勤换衣服may 21stsaturdaysunny

sars spreads easily among people. we should doour best to fight it.



unit 2 how often do you exercise?第1课时。学习内容 section a,1a 1c.学习目标 1.掌握本课时单词 短语及重点词的用法。2.掌握频率词汇及询问活动频率。学习过程 一 自主预习。一 背会本课时单词。二 短语翻译并记忆。1.在周末2.去看电影。3.每星期三...


第二单元 我们的人身权利 班级姓名 一 基础知识。1 人身自由权。人身自由权是享受其他各种权利的 法律保护公民的人身自由权,禁止非法 非法 非法 等行为。2 生命健康权。1 生命健康权是公民最的人身权利。我国法律捍卫我们的生命健康权,侵害他人生命和健康为法律所不容,情节严重的要受到法律的制裁。2 积...

人教版 Goforit 八年级上册英语单词拆分速记法

exercise ekssaiz n.练习 习题 v.练习 锻炼。联想方式 ex 一些 er 人 ci 刺 se 蛇 记忆方法 一些人喜欢练习刺蛇。hardly h dli adv.几乎不。联想方式 hard 艰辛的 ly 副词后缀 记忆方法 hard的副词形式。ever ev adv.曾经 无论何...