
发布 2022-12-14 14:31:28 阅读 2552


一:单词。厨师cook 医生doctor 工程师engineer 小提琴手violinist

司机driver 飞行员pilot 钢琴家pianist 科学家scientist

学院college 综合大学university 教育education 药medicine

文章article 队team 意思meaning 开端beginning

每周的weekly 本人的own 私人的personal 身体的physical

外国的foreign 业余爱好hobby 学校作业schoolwork 关系relationship

邮寄send 用颜料画paint 表示疑问question 讨论discuss 承诺promise 改进improve 伦敦london 他们自己themselves


1:长大 grow up 2:对。有把握be sure about 3:确保make sure

4:编程人员computer programmer 5:篮球运动员basketball player

6:公共汽车司机bus driver7:新年决心new year’s resolutions

8:上表演课h**e / take acting lessons 9:给某人寄某物send sth. to sb.

10:成为足球队的一员 make the soccer team 11:取得好成绩get good grades

12:能够be able to do sth13:做出承诺make promises

14:从学校回来get back from school 15:在。的开始at the beginning of

16:不同种类的different kinds of17:与。有关系h**e ..to do with

18:写下write down 19:开始做take up 20:在。有共同之处h**e...in common


what do you want to be when you grow up? —i want to be a basketball player.

2:你要如何成为一名作家?how are you going to be a writer?

3:当然,我要继续写故事。 i’m going to keep on writing stories, of course.

4:那么你就可以从事任何你想从事的工作。just make sure you try your best.

5:只要确保你尽自己最大的努力。then you can be anything you want.

6:我打算再学一门外语。i’m going to learn another foreign language.

7:听起来像是一个不错的计划。sounds like a good plan.

8:许多决心与自我提高有关。many resolutions h**e to do with self-improvement.


sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to


for this reason, some people say the best resolution is to h**e no resolutions!


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8单元默写单。一 单词。奶昔milk shake 食物搅拌器blender 酸奶yogurt 蜂蜜honey 西瓜watermelon 食盐salt 食糖sugar 奶酪cheese 黄油butter 玉米corn 三明治sandwich 胡椒粉pepper 打开turn on 去皮peel 倒出p...


5单元默写单。一 单词。新闻news 笑话joke 动画片cartoon 电影film 文化culture 原因reason 行动action 军队army 介意mind 忍受stand 计划,打算plan 希望hope 预料 期待expect 丢失lose 讨论discuss 发生happen 出...