
发布 2022-12-14 14:28:28 阅读 7805


一:单词。戏院theater 座位seat 屏幕screen 票ticket 歌曲song

服务service 菜单menu 一餐meal 角色role 天赋talent

接近close 舒适的comfortable 最差的worst 有创造力的creative

新鲜的fresh 贫穷的poor 拥挤的crowed 更差worse

便宜地cheaply 小心地carefully 舒适地 comfortably 严重地seriously

美好地beautifully 相当,十分pretty 择choose 扮演act 提供give

魔术师magician 记者reporter 获胜者winner 奖品prize 实例example


1:最大的屏幕the biggest screen2:最好的音效the best sound

3:最短的等待时间the shortest waiting time 4:电影院movie theater

5:因…..而感谢thanks for6:在城镇in town

7:最舒适的座位the most comfortable seats 8:到目前为止so far

9:无线电台radio station10:根本不not ….at all

11:有相同的特征h**e ….in common 12:各种各样的all kinds of

13:是…..的职责be up to14:编造……make up

15:例如……for example 16:认真对待take ….seriously

17:全世界around the world18:寻找…look for

19:实现come true20: 发挥作用play a role


1:它离家最近。 it’s the closet to home.

2:最好的电影院是哪家? what’s the best movie theater?

3:你为什么这样认为? why do you think so?

4:到目前为止你认为它怎样? how do you like it so far?

5:“谢谢告诉我”,“不用谢” —thanks for telling me. —no problem.


he is much better than other actors at finding the most interesting roles.

7:从你家(到这里)有多远? how far is it from your home?


it’s always interesting to watch other people show their talents.


talent shows are getting more and more popular.

10:那由你来决定。that’s up to you to decide.


they usually play a role in deciding the winner.

12:才艺表演有什么共同特征?what do talent shows h**e in common?


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