
发布 2022-12-24 00:44:28 阅读 4597


unit 1 helping those in need

i. key words

1. 区分raise / rise


1).raise 提起,使升高。

如:raise one's hand 举手。

2).rise 上升,升高,**,指有形的东西。如:

the sun rises in the east.

2. 区分offer/provide

(1) offer是主动提出给别人某物等,provide没有主动的意思。

(2)另外, 搭配是不同的: offer sb. sth.和 offer sth. to sb.

provide sb. with sth. 和 provide sth. for sb.


3. 区分 lonely/ alone


如:i live alone ,but i dont feel lonely! 意思是我独自住着,但并不感到孤独!

ii. key phrases

1. give sb a hand = help sb

2. offer to do 主动提供做某事。

3. suffer from sth. 受…之苦,受….折磨。

4. a girl called cindy = a girl named cindy

5. help sb do sth/ help sb with sth

6. h**e difficulty in doing sth

7. raise one’s spirits 使振奋,使鼓起勇气 = cheer sb up

8. something dangerous 危险的事。

9. would like to do

10. because of/ because


1. in orderlearn) japanese, he went to japan.

2. daming has great difficultyspeak) english.

3. do you know the girlcall) alice?

4. shenzhen has a population of over tenmillion )

5help) others makes me happy.

单项选择。1. may i h**e a rest ? i h**e already finished __the report.

a. writeb. writingc. to write d. written

2. -i feel a bit hungry now. -why not __for dinner with us?

a. gob. did you go c. to go d. do you go

3. he asked her __the bag because it was too expensive .

a. not to buy b. to buy not c. not buying d. not buy

4. although you may meet with some difficulties, you should never

a. turn up b. get upc. give up d. grow up

5. -would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick kids this sunday?

i’ll be free then.

a. sorry, i can’t b. not at all c. thank you d. sure, i’d love to

6. is there __in today’s news*****?

a. special something b. special anything c. something special d. anything special

7. -i will go to harbin for my summer vacation. what about you?

---i h**en’t decided where __

a. go b. went c. going d. to go

8. -what are on show in the museum?

---some photos __by the children of yushu, qinghai.

a. h**e been taken b. were taken c. are taken d. taken

iii. grammar (不定式的用法)

eg: 1). cindy wantedpaint ) a picture of the park near her home.

2) i don’t know wherego ).

3) the man made his workerswork ) ten hours a day in the past.

4). they went to the hospitalhelp ) the sick children

5get ) there on time, we set out at five in the morning


1. the children decide __their school yard this friday afternoon.

a. clean b. to clean c. cleaning d. cleaned

2. he lost his key. it made him __in the cold to wait for his wife’s return.

a. to stay b. stayed c. stays d. stay

3. it was time for class. mr king asked all the children __down quietly.

a. sitb. satc. to sit d. sitting

4a book in the library, enter a key word into the computer.

a. to find b. find c. to write d. write

5. just before the chinese class, i found that i forgot __my chinese textbook.

a. bringb. bringing c. and bring d. to bring

6. -which dress do you like best, madam? -sorry, i can’t decide __now.

a. to buy which one b. buy which one c. which one to buy d. which i should buy it

unit 2 body language

i. key words

1. accept/ receive 区别。

2. bored/ boring

3. part-time/ full-time

ii. key phrases

发生= happen

代替+ doing = in place of

3. communicate with sb = in communication with sb

4. get a chance to do sth 获得做….的机会。

给人留下好印象= make a good impression on sb

决定做某事= decide on doing = make a decision to do

尝试做某事/ trytodosth:尽力做

立刻,马上= right away


unit 1 helping those in need 1 要点概括。1.短语。in need,voluntary work,ask peimission,suffer from,raise one s spirits,in order to,continue to do,pay for,work...

八年级英语下册期中复习 新版 人教新目标版

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