
发布 2022-12-24 00:43:28 阅读 4421


ii. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)


16. we can learn a lot __people, places and history __stamps.

a. from, aboutb. about, from

c. from, atd. about, about

17do you often do __your spare time?

go fishing.

a. what, inb. what, on

c. what, tod. how, on

18. where did you use to __

a. went swimb. go swim

c. went swimming d. go swimming

19. i’m __in __sports.

a. interested, play b. interesting, play

c. interested, playing d. interesting, playing

20. they are famous __folk songs.

a. for theirb. as their

c. for theyd. as they

21are your __

swimming, singing and volleyball.

a. what, hobby b. what, hobbies

c. what’s, hobby d. what’s, hobbies

22. there is __in the classroom.

a. so many books b. so much bread

c. so many pens d. so much students

23. i agree __you. he is __handsome.

a. with, such b. to, so

c. with, sod. to, such

24. _shame!

a. what ab. what

c. how ad. how

25. i made __and made my classmates __

a. face, laugh b. face, to laugh

c. faces, laughd. faces, to laugh

26. _we know, plants and animals are important __us.

a. as, tob. as, for

c. to, tod. to, for

27. who made tom __strange?

a. feeling sob. feels such

c. feelsod. to feel such

28. he __back in four days.

a. will beb. will is

c. will going to be d. is going to

29. the days are getting __longer here.

a. toob. much

c. sod. many

30. you shouldn’t spend __time __the internet.

a. too much, of b. much too, of

c. too many, ond. too much, on

31. there are many old __in beijing.

a. city wallb. cities’ walls

c. city walls d. cities walls

32. there aren’t any books on the desk, _

a. there aren’tb. are there

c. there ared. are they

33. we are trying our best __

a. work hardb. working hard

c. to work hardd. works hard

34. he is one of __in the school.

a. the tallest boy b. the taller boy

c. the most tallest boys d. the tallest boys

35. i regard __best friend.

a. her as meb. him to my

c. you as med. her as my

iii. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)


english names and chinese names are quite different in some __36__ ways, but it’s not hard for us to know.

unlike chinese, most english people h**e 37__ names. one is their family name, both of the other names are given names. their family name is 38__ the given name.

they use mr., mrs. or miss with the __39 name, but they never use 40__ with the first name.

for example, we can 41__ a man named james allan green mr. green, 42__ we can’t call him mr. james or mr.

allan. people usually use jim __42__ james. jim is short for james because it’s __44__ to remember.

but chinese names are the opposite. a boy with the name han wanghai __45__ his family name han first. of course, he can be called ah hai for short in china if you wish.

36. a. another b. other c. the other d. others

37. a. one b. two c. three d. four

38. a. above b. front c. back d. behind

39. a. last b. given c. middle d. full

40. a. their b. them c. its d. it

41. a. ask b. say c. call d. write

42. a. so b. orc. and d. but

43. a. instead of b. for long c. so far d. next to

44. a. important b. easy c. interesting d. difficult

45. a. put b. putting c. puts d. was put

iv. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)



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