
发布 2022-12-24 00:39:28 阅读 7258




had a胃痛) yesterday.

is something wrong with his牙齿) .

a绷带) on your cut.

had a流鼻血) .

he h**e a发烧) ?

h**e some problems呼吸) .

7. we can take care of我们自己).

the乘客) got off the bus .

9. because of the traffic事故)he was late.

10. he saw so many小刀) in the shop.

11. do we h**e the same勇气) as aron?

12. they need to make a决定).

13. everyone knows the重要性)of water.

14. he finds himself in a difficult状况).

15. the生病的) boy went home by himself.

16. taking休息) is important for us .

17. she受伤) her legs .

18. you will get晒伤的) in summer.

19. he went to school on步行).

20. she saw a child躺) on the floor.

21. the志愿者) can help others.

22. the boss makes a标志)on his bag.

23. can you想象) the life without air ?

24. her mother is going to take a旅行) abroad.

25. the old man’s heart was filled with满足).

26. don’t be afraid of all the困难).

27. she always lives独自地).

28. we should help the有残疾的)people.

29. after 4 months of训练),now she can play the piano well.

was兴奋的) about the idea .

31. i still remembered the感觉) of losing that match.

32. i saw a孤独的) boy in the street.

坏的) desk needs to be changed.

can’t修理) his bike by himself.

you理解) the meaning of the sentence ?

are几个) apples on the desk.

of her善良)the little girl could study.

38. take out the垃圾) when you go out.

chores helps to improve their独立性).

boy扔)a stone into the river.

room is in a杂乱).

借给) a book to me last week.

think everyone likes eating小吃).

for提供) me the chance.

45. don’t依赖) on your parents too much .

46. everyone should be独立的).

47无论如何) you should finish it on time.

48. a distant relative is not as good as a near邻居).

公正) of a court is the most important.

50. he意思是) he is too fat.

you h**e a头疼)?

52. the old man’s死亡) made us sad.

53. please打扫) the classroom carefully .

54. we can募集)money for homeless children.

55自从) they moved there ,they h**e met so many friends.

56. he thought that result was不公平的).

57. at last ,his grades掉下).

58. the manager tries his best to发展) business.

59. the失明的) can’t see the beautiful world.

60. the主人)of this house went to america .


1. -你怎么了?--我喉咙疼。

with you?

- i2. 因为你用一个姿势坐的时间太久,所以你需要远离电脑休息一下。

because you sitwithout moving, you needthe computer.

3. 如果你的头和脖子明天还疼的话,就去看医生吧。

if yourtomorrow, then

4. 令他感到惊讶的是,所有人都同意和他一起去。

butthey allwith him.

5. 很多人不愿意帮助别人,是因为他们不想惹麻烦。

many people don’t wantbecause they don’t want

6. 他在游泳时发现自己处于一种极其危险的情况下。

he found himselfwhenin the sea.

7. 这本书讲述了做出明智的决定以及掌握自己命运的重要性。

this book tells ofandone’s life.

8. 她过去常常出去闲逛,但是现在她习惯于周末在家里读书。

shewith her friends, but now shebooks at home on weekends.


unit one过关内容一 单词或短语部分。1.更多机器人 robots2.一张纸 piece of 3.更少污染 pollution4.许多树木 trees5.更少高楼 tall buildings6.一名宇航员 astronaut7.坐火箭去月球 rockets to the moon 8.爱上...


m1翻译 v改正,纠正 v将 配对。数字 号码 n语法。写作 文章拼写建议错误其他报纸笔友。不同的人 或物。口 好极了 卓越的,极好的发送 寄提高。看 注视 观察 v猜,猜测你自己害羞的深的微笑忘记旋置。总是 一直。1翻译 n正确的,对的 adj给 标号码 v重复语音 发音标点符号学期写下,记下笔记...


a1.表示肯定 有些,几个2.大量,许多3.大约,几乎。4.表演,演戏,表演者5.活跃的,积极的6.再一次,又一次。7.距 以前 8.活着的,积极的9.虽然,即使 10.生气的 11.又一的,再一的 12.臂,胳膊 13.像 一样 14.亚洲。15.向远处,离开。b16.后背。背脊 17.擅长 在 ...