
发布 2022-12-18 15:00:28 阅读 5090

八年级英语unit1 同步学案。











看起来像。 知识**。

1. is my encyclopaedia useful, lo?

1) useful: 有用的,有益的,有帮助的 a useful book

2) use +ful= useful 名词+ful= 形容词。

3) 以-ful结尾的形容词的反义词多是相应的以-less结尾的形容词。

eg: useful--useless careful--careless helpful--helpless

2. leonardo da vinci was an italian painter, inventor, musician,engineer and scientist.

动词后加后缀-er/ -or构成一种职业。

eg: teach 教-- teacher 教师sing 唱-- singer 歌唱家。

visit 参观-- visitor 参观者 invent 发明-- inventor 发明家。

3. cook v. 烹饪 my mother cooked a delicious meal for us.

n. 厨师 my father is a famous cook.

cooker n. 厨具 do you think rice cooker is a useful cooker?

4. look it up!


we can look up new words in a dictionary.

拓展】:look up 仰视;向上看。

he looked up from his book as i came into the room.


look around 环顾四周。

look after 照顾

look for 寻找。

look forward to 盼望。

look like 看起来像。

5. da vinci was born in the countryside.

be born 出生一般用于过去式 was born/ were born

be born in + 地点i was born in guangzhou.

be born in + 某年/某月 jim was born in july.

be born on+ 具体到某一天 the twins were born on 1st january.

6. from an early age, he showed great intelligence and artistic ability.

show 1) 出示,展示,显露,露出。

he showed his photo to me = he showed me his photo.

2) 流露,表示,表现。

he showed great interest in science when he was young.

3) 教,告诉,说明,指点。

he showed me the way on the map.

7. his painting are very famous , and one, the mona lisa, is perhaps the most famous painting in the world.

famous = well-known

be famous for

be famous as

8. dinosaurs lived on the earth more than 60 million years before human beings.

more than 超过;多于,相当于overless than 少于。

they h**e more than a car.

million 百万

1)与具体的数字连用时,不加s ,后面直接接复数名词。

there are about two thousand students in this school.

2) 固定短语:millions of hundred, thousand, billion和million的用法相同。

millions of people help them in different ways.

tips: hundred, thousand 和million,有时含糊有时清。

清时无-s和of, 糊时-s和of跟。

9. they lived everywhere on earth.

everywhere 副词 “到处”,相当于here and there

辨析:10. some dinosaurs were as small as chickens.

as...as 与。一样。

1) 当两个比较对象在某方面相同时,用“ as + 形容词/副词原级+as”结构,表示“(a和b)一样this tree is as tall as that one.

2) 比较两个对象时,若一方不及另一方,则用“not as/so+形容词/副词原级+as”结构,表示“a不如b...our school is not as big as yours.

11. however, some dinosaurs liked to eat meat.

however “然而,但是”

however, this does not always happen.

she falls ill. she goes to work, however, and stays up late.

he says that it is so. he is wrong, however.

12. nobody knows why.

nobody 不定代词,“没有人”,相当于 no one. nobody作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。

there was nobody in the room.

13. at the end of 在。的末尾;在。的尽头 +时间/地点。

there is a park at the end of the road.

we will h**e an exam at the end of the month.

14. used to do 过去常常做某事,并且含有现在已不做之意。

i used to go to that primary school.

15. help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事。

he often helps me study english.

he often helps me with my english.

拓展】:help oneself to ..随便吃些。

help yourselves to some fish, children.

can’t help doing禁不住做。

she can’t help laughing.

16. just remember to think and to dream.

remember 及物动词

please remember the story.

辨析:remember to do sth 与remember doing sth

17. some were small; others were huge.

some ..others...一些。另一些。

others 指除去一部分之后的另一些,但不是剩余的全部。


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