
发布 2022-12-12 09:21:28 阅读 7775


1. i建议) you buy a new computer.

2. don’t结束)the meeting so quickly. we should think about it longer.

3. a good editor should h**e a lot of writing __经验).

4. the old man worked hard to buy保险) for his wife.

5. people几乎不) used mobile phones twenty years ago.

6. you’re幸运的)that you’ve got the wonderful job.

7. he保证)that he would come tonight.

8. you needn’t worry about your外表). you look fine.

9. i’m sorry, but there’s no room可用的)in the hotel now.

10. at the lecture the scientist提及) something exciting about shengzhou vi.


1. the lunch in our school is __12 o’clock and 1

a. among b. between c. fromd. at

2. -when did theyat about 4:30

a. reach at here b. arrive at there c. get there d. reach

3. we should read the instructions carefully. _we will make mistakes.

a. however b. and c. but d. otherwise

4. my sister is a teacher. she doesn’t teach english __chinese __japanese.

a. and, but b. or, but c. and, or d. or, and

5. these trucks __china.

a. are made in b. are made of c. are made from d. make in

6. _weather it is today!

a. what a bad b. how bad c. what bad d. how bad the

7. the shop sold __all its shirts.

a. through b. outc. across d. for

8. when they got the address, they went there __

a. right away b. right along c. all right d. right now

9. i promise __your car in good condition.

a. return b, returns c. returning d. to return

10. i suggest __the meeting to an end quickly, because it is going to rain he**ily.

a. bringing b. brought c. bring d. to bring

11. your oral english is bad. you must practice __english more.

a. speak b. spoke c. to speaking d. speaking

12. they decided to elect sally the captain, so they all __her.

a. voted b. voted with c. voted for d. voted against


1. 在国外的一些国家,孩子们免费上学。

children go to schoolin

2. 他们的意见已经帮了我们很多。

their opinionsus

3. 房间很黑,以致我碰到了墙上。

the room was so dark that ithe wall.

4. 这个小偷否认了在商店里偷了一条珍珠项链。

the thiefa pearl necklace in the shop.

5. 这本书包含三部分。

the book __three sections.

6. 你同意我的意见吗?

do youmy opinion?

7. 对于我来说,期末考试合格是一件很困难的事。

is very difficultto pass the final exam.

8. 他们用计在一夜之间就成功攻占了特洛伊城、

in one night, theycapturing it with a trick.


once there was an old man in a town. he alwaysforget, forgets, forgot, forgotten) a lot of things, so his wife always had to say to him, “don’t forget this.” one day he went on a long wayalone, along, with his wife, with his family).

before he left home, his wife said, “now you h**e all these things. you need them on your waytake care, take care of, look for, be careful of) your things on the way.” he went to the station and broughta drink , some food, a bag, a ticket ) and got on the train with it.

about an hour __before, after, later, ago), the conductor began to check the tickets. he came to the old man and said,” will you pleaseshow, give, take, lend) me your ticket?” the old man looked for his ticket in all his pocketsso, and, but, or) he couldn’t find it.

he was veryglad, worried, tired, afraid).”i can’t find my ticket. i did buy it before i got on the train,” said the old man.

i believe you bought a ticket. all ticket, you don’t h**e to buyanother, other, the , the other) one.” said the conductor kindly.

but the old man still looked worried and sadly, “you don’t knowwhat, why, that, if) i’m worried. if i don’t find my ticket, i can’t remember where i am going.”



i’ve been following gossip girls for nearly a year now. by __26___the show i’ve learned a lot of expressions americans use __27___talking about university life.

i’ve learned how students make friends, how they joke, and how they invite people to parties. girls who love fashion __28___learn the proper pronunciation(发音) of some words like yves saint laurent and burberry. the show also gives us __29___topics to talk about with foreigners!


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