
发布 2022-12-28 13:09:28 阅读 9746


汉译英。1.参加一个比赛join a competition

2.有喝的东西h**e something to drink

3.好朋友的品质qualities of a good friend

4.使你的朋友特别make your friend special

5.保守秘密keep secrets

6.分享我的快乐share my joy

7.一个诚实的男孩an honest boy

8.相信某人所说的believe what sb. says

9.在右边on the right

10.读广告read an advertisement

11.举行一次写作竞赛hold a writing competition

12.留短发h**e short hair

13.乐意助人be ready / willing to help people

14.周游世界tr**el around the world

15.因为太多的电脑工作because of too much computer

16.带眼镜wear glasses

17.有幽默感h**e a sense of humour

18.感到厌倦feel bored

19.保守秘密keep a secret

20.讲某人的坏话say a bad word about someone.

21.为人们唱歌sing for people

22.倾听别人的问题listen to others, problems

23.解决问题solve problems

24.交朋友make friends

25.周游世界tr**el around the world

26.待某人友善be kind to sb.

27.我最喜欢的歌手my f**orite singer

28.谈论朋友talk about friends

29.在彼得旁边的女孩the girl next to peter

30.长大grow up

31.尽力try one, s best

32.在将来in the future

33.住隔壁live next door

34.使她看上去真的很漂亮make her look really pretty

35.帮我做家庭作业help me with my homework

36.给我讲笑话tell me funny jokes

37.感到恐惧feel frightened

38.和孩子打交道work with children

39.互相校对写作中的错误check each other’s writing for mistakes

40.脸上的笑容a smile on one, s face

41.健康的活动healthy activities

42.有一个像爱伦的朋友h**e a friend like alan

43.投票选某人vote for sb

44.需要帮助的人people in need

45.方脸a square face

46.擅长干某事be good at doing sth.

47.适合某人be suitable for sb

48.了解learn about

49.户外活动outdoor activities

50.给我一些告诫give me some advice

51.愿意干某事be willing to do sth

52.面带笑容wear a smile on one’s face

53.一个男女生混合学校a mixed school

54.读书周the reading week

55.煮健康美味的饭菜cook healthy and tasty meals

56.开车送我上学drive me to school

57.花时间干某事spend time doing sth.

58.一周两次twice a week

59.一起谈得很开心h**e a great time talking together

60.放学后after school

61.午饭期间during lunchtime

62.家政学home economics

63.收集信息collect information

64.在因特网上on the internet

65.和……不同be different from

66.和……一样the same as

67.休假几天h**e a few days off

68.多远how far

69.乘校车take the school bus

70.带一把雨伞carry an umbrella

71.得到一只宠物猴get a pet monkey

72.住院stay in hospital

73.课外活动after-school activities

74.有一小时吃午饭h**e an hour for lunch

75.戴领带wear a tie

76.校服school uniform

77.网球场a tennis court

78.去博物馆的旅行a trip to a museum

79.和……一样大小the same size as

80.属于我的belong to me

81.搞清楚work out

82.正确的词类correct word families

83.登山climb a hill

84.保持健康keep fit

85.加油come on

86.带某人去某地take sb. to some place

87.一封邀请信a letter of invitation

88.为……作计划make a plan for

89.组织外出一天organize a day out

90.经过go past

91.当心,小心take care

92.有一个大花园的楼房a building with a big garden

93.在……开始时at the beginning (of )

94.枯燥的旅途a boring journey

95.许多名胜many places of interest

96.来自世界各地from all over the world

97.一个令人感叹的日子an amazing day

98.从一个地方到另一个地方from one place to another

99.快乐的一天a fun day

100.自学怎样干某事teach oneself how to do sth.

101.参加做某事join in doing sth.

102.相信自己的眼睛believe one, s ( own) eyes

103.带琳达出去take linda out

104.列个……的清单make a list of

105.欣赏美妙的京剧enjoy wonderful beijing opera

106.感受……的美feel the beauty of

107.看上去像真的一样look just like the real ones

108.繁忙的交通busy traffic

109.故宫博物馆the palace museum

110.同意干某事agree to do

111.去南山的旅途a trip to the south hill

112.自学teach oneself

113.玩捉迷藏play hide-and-seek

114.从岩石往上爬pull oneself up on the rocks

115.篮球决赛the basketball final

116.举行take place

117.为我们队喝采cheer for our team

118.在你的支持下with your support

119.提建议make suggestions

120.天坛the temple of he**en

121.名胜places of interest

122.一座繁忙的城市a busy city

123.事实和观点facts and opinions

124.歌舞表演a song and dance parade

125.和某人出去go out with sb

126.为……作计划make a plan for…

127.外出的一天a day out

128.计算……的费用work out the cost of …

129.一直;一路all the way

130.人民英雄纪念碑the monument to the people’s heroes

131.去攀岩go climbing on rocks

132.把事实和观点分开separate facts from opinions

133.小学a primary school

134.举例give examples

135.a和b之间的差异the difference between a and b

136.确保make sure

137.看起来好吃look delicious

138.照顾某人look after sb.

139.受到威胁be in danger


期末复习。i 复习目的 1 培养良好的学习习惯,掌握正确的学习方法。2 培养学生的听 说 读 写的能力与技巧。3 培养学生运用能力。4 培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力。ii 复习内容 a unit 1 6的单词和短语b unit 1 6语法内容 1 形容词的比较级和最高级的用法 unit 1 un...


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unit one voluntary work 义务性工作。offer to do 主动提出做某事。continue to do 继续做。suffer from 因 受苦 受折磨。h e difficulty doing 做 有困难。in need 需要帮助的。in order to 为了 目的在于...