人教版八年级上册英语单元练习卷 Unit

发布 2022-12-12 09:17:28 阅读 4752


) 1yogurt do we need for the milk shake?

a. how manyb. how muchc. how


) 2onions did you cut up for the pizza?

a. how manyb. how muchc. how


) 3. let’s __fruit salad!

a. makeb. to makec. ******

答案:a解析:考查let sb. do sth.。

) 4. here’s a recipe __a great turkey hamburger!

a. withb. forc. in

答案:b答案:考查词组什么的食谱,a recipe for …。

) 5. put the egg __the bread.

a. onb. intoc. at

答案:b解析:考查短语放进put into。

) 6is the broccoli?

two yuan a kilo.

a. how muchb. how manyc. how often

答案:a解析:考查对价钱的提问how much。

yes, please. i’d like some lettuce.

a. can you help meb. what are youc. can i help you

答案:c解析:考查交际用语去商店买东西或餐厅点餐,服务员问can i help you?

) 8. do you know how __a strawberry milk shake?

a. makeb. to makec. do make

答案:b解析:考查怎样做某事,how to do。

) 9. please __the blender. let’s taste the juice.

a. turn onb. turn upc. turn off

答案:c解析:辨析动词短语。根据题意要尝一下果汁,所以应该是turn off关掉;turn on打开,turn up调大。

) 10. we need four __to make super chicken hamburgers.

a. slice of breadb. slice of breadsc. slices of bread



the right place for the reece

mr reece worked on a farm. he and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows. every day they worked hard11morning till night.

one day, mr. reece12his wife. “let’s go to portsmouth next sunday.

we can13a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” his wife was very happy when she14this, because they always ate a lot, and she didn’t15cooking three times a day. they went to portsmouth by plane and walked about16an hour.

then, when it was twelve o’clock, they wanted to17. they looked at four restaurants(饭店). in front of one restaurant, they18a notice(公告).

it read, “lunch: 12:30 to 2:

30, 1.5 pounds.” well, that’s19,” mrs reece said.

“we can eat for two hours for 1.5 pounds here! this is20for us.

”)11. a. at b. from c. in d. on

)12. a. told to b. asked c. spoke d. said to

)13. a. cook b. smell c. h**e d. buy

)14. a. heard from b. heard of c. heard d. listened

)15. a. think b. wish c. want d. like

)16. a. for b. by c. at d. in

)17. a. h**e a rest b. h**e lunch c. take a bus d. go home

)18. a. saw b. heard c. watched d. looked for

)19. a. terrible b. well c. bad d. great

) the news b. the thing c. the place d. the shop


解析:from morning till night意为“从早到晚”,from…till…为固定搭配,不能随便换用介词。另请注意,在这个短语中,morning和night前均不带冠词。


解析:选项a、c为搭配不当,选项b与后面所说的话不一致,因为没有问什么问题,就不能用asked,故也应排除。said to his wife搭配正确,并能引起下文,故选d。


解析:根据下文,这餐饭不是自己做的,故a项与文章事实不符。b项明显不合文意。d项动宾搭配不当。h**e a good lunch作“好好吃上一顿饭”,符合下文,故选c。



,不能接表示事物的词,意为“收到某人的来信”,故排除a。hear of表示“听说过……”表示直接的“听见”、“听到”应该用hear,故选c。


解析:think, wish和want后面均不能接动词- ing形式,故a、b、c三项均为错误。like指一般情况时,后面可接动词- ing形式,指具体的一次行为时常用不定式。

这里“每日做三次饭”指通常情况,like可接- ing形式,故选d。


解析:文中walked about意为“四处走走”,about为副词,后面an hour是walked about的状语,表示这一动作进行了多久,可用介词for引起这个状语。in an hour表示“过一小时”,不合题意。



解析:根据下文,“looked at four restaurants”,显然想要吃饭,故本题选b。




解析:that’s great表示“棒极了”,指由于高兴而发出的感叹。另三项均与下文列斯夫人所说的话不符。


解析:“this is the place for us.”的意思是“这就是我们所需要的地方”。


a) long is the ticket useful?

a. one monthb. two monthsc. one yeard. two years

) your parent eat a discount pizza with this ticket here?

a. yes, they no, they can’ i don’t it depends on.

) do you h**e to take for a discount pizza?

a. the your student id both ticket and id nothing.

) you think it’s a good idea to send this ticket to your american pen pal?

a. i don’t think i think i’m not yes, i do.

) the price of a pizza is¥40, how much do you need to pay?



解析:根据文中it is useful between may 1, 2005 and april 30, 2006可知有效期是一年。


解析:根据discount 85﹪for students可知只对学生打折。


解析:根据please come with this ticket and your student id card可知两者都须带。


解析:根据only in china可知此券只在中国有效。


解析:根据discount 85﹪算出40元打八五折是34元。

bmrs. white works in a school. her husband is a postman.

their daughter kate is four years old. one evening, mrs. white was putting kate to bed.


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八年级英语人教版上册练习 Unit5单元知识背记手册

unit 5 do you want to watch a game show?单元知识背记手册。section a 重点单词。1 news 新闻节目 新闻。2 mind 介意 对 某事 烦恼。3 stand 忍受 站立。4 educational 教育的 有教育意义的。5 plan 计划 打算。6...