
发布 2022-12-23 22:36:28 阅读 4623

module 1 hobbies


interested in 对…感兴趣。

interesting 有趣的)

well as 并且,还。

i like playing football as well as playing basketball.

as 比如

6 as a result 结果。

7. come out 出版;开花;出来; 真相大白。

8. give an interview 接受采访,做访谈。

9. in the future 在未来(一般将来时)

10. make sure 确保。

11. grow vegetables种蔬菜。

12. be good at sth./doing sth.

of …的收集品。

collect stamps集邮。

14. at the end of… at the beginning of…

15. develop interests 发展兴趣。

16. useful skills 有用的技能。

17. playtheviolin 乐器加the

18. all the time 总是,一直。

19. at least至少。

20. be popular with 受…欢迎。

football is popular with boys. 足球受男孩子的欢迎。

21. *not only… but also不仅…而且用来连接两个主语时,注意就近原则。

not only da ming but also his parentsarefond of watching football matches.

not only you but also heistired of h**ing one examination after another.

22. *spend +时间/金钱+on sth. /in) doing sth.

eg. i spent all our time on our f**ourate spend the whole night (in) learning english.

their hobbies are drawing and painting. =in their free time, they like to draw and paint.

23. *succeedindoing sth. 成功做成某事。

success adj.

24. *make为使役动词, 后接形容词和动词原形做宾语补足语。

eg. rainy days make me sad.

loud music makes me want to dance.

25. *it is +adj. +for sb.) to do sth.(对某人来说)做某事是…的。

it’s important for you to remember this.

it is +adj. +of sb. to do sth.形容词修饰人的性格如:it’s kind of you to tell me the truth.

26. try to do sth. 尽力做某事。

try doing sth. 尝试做某事。

27. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 要求某人(不)做某事。

28. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事。

module 2 friendship

词组:1. right now 现在

2. whether …or not

3. hold the line (不挂断**)等一下。

4. turn back 转身。

5. as usual 和往常一样。

friends 亲密的朋友。

7. personal questions私人问题

8. early autumn 早秋。

9. several months later 几个月以后。

about 担心

middle school 在初中。

at sb.朝某人微笑。

one’s life 改变某人的生活

first 开始 a club 参加俱乐部。

16. day by day 一天天地。

17. in different countries 在不同的国家。

18. feel like 觉得。

19. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事。

20. by the way 顺便说一下。

****** friends (with) 喜欢交朋友。

a message捎口信。

public concert 公开**会。

luckwiththe concert 预祝**会成功25. remember doing sth./ to do sth.记得做了/去做某事。

a result结果。

27. be afraid of sth./ to do sth. 害怕(去做)某事。

28. stamp collectors集邮爱好者。

couple of 几个,两个。

place 发生 (happen)

31. lonely寂寞的 /alone 独自一人

away (from)

33. watch,指仔细**,看电视、球赛等。

see 指看望某人,看电影,看医生等。

34.__laugh) at others is impolite. 取笑他人是不礼貌的35. all over the world 全世界。

find sth. +foreigners find china very different from their own country.

find+ it +adj. +to do founditdifficult to finish the work on 为形式宾语。

find sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事 i found them playing games on the playground.

people from all over the world make friendsbywriting 通过…方式。


注意点: 1. 有“…or not”或 “or+供选择的内容”时,只能用whether

2. 宾语从句的语序要用陈述语序。



module 3 on the radio

词组:out (for)小心/ look for 寻找/look like 看起来像 mention it. 不客气。

(for) 准备 for 要/请求…

down 向下看 look down on sb. 看不起某人 a week 一周一次。

on 打开(电视,灯,收音机等)

turn off 关闭turn up 调大(音量)

8. take sb. around 带某人四处参观。

lost 迷路。

two goals 进两个球。


about 听说 learn from向…学习。

the age of 在…岁时。

that moment 在那个时候。

15. go for a picnic 去野餐。

score of …的比分。

doing sth. 停止做某事。

18. explain sth. (to sb.)(向某人)解释某事。

19. close down 停播。

20. win the first prize 获得第一名。

21. find out查明。

22. prepare for a test准备考试。

23. thank you for …因为…感谢你。

24. decide to do sth.决定做某事。

25. me, too. 我也是。

26. it seems/ seemed that…好像,看样子。

it seems that he is lying. 看样子他在撒谎。

27. in front of 在…前面。

in the front of 强调在内部的前面)

28. need to do 需要做。

need doing 需要被做某事(被动含义)

29. the flowers need watering. 这些花需要浇水。

语法点:*to+ v. 与 v.-ing

to+v. want; would like; hope;wish;plan;need;decide

v +-ing enjoy; finish; practice;keep;give up;mind

注意都可以接的 begin; start; continue意义相同。

hear; notice; see…do/doing 意义不同。

stop;forget; remember; try + to do/doing意义不同。


module 1 feelings and impressions unit 1 it smells delicious.language points 1.well,my chocolate cookies are done now.嗯,我的巧克力饼干做好了。句中的be done表示 做好了,完成...


module 1 feelings and impressions unit 1 it smells delicious.language points 1.well,my chocolate cookies are done now.嗯,我的巧克力饼干做好了。句中的be done表示 做好了,完成...


本册的考点很多,继续学习了一般将来时,情态动词,过去进行时,when while引导的时间状语从句,if引导的条件状语从句,感叹句,现在完成时,现在完成进行时,直接引语,间接引语,反意疑问句。when while 引导的时间状语从句。1 时态 2 还要while后多用延续动词的ing形式,when ...