八年级英语revision外研社 初中起点

发布 2022-12-23 22:34:28 阅读 7857


一。 教学内容:

revision ⅱ

二。 教学重难点:

1. 复习7—12 模块的“重点词汇和句型”。

2. 复习话题“看病”

三。 语法:复习过去进行时的用法。

一)过去进行时(the past continuous tense)


1. 过去进行时的构成。


2. 过去进行时的基本句型。

3. 过去进行时的基本用法。

4. 过去进行时和一般过去时的区别。

1)一般过去时常表示在过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态(包括过去的习惯动作),常与一般过去时连用的时间状语有just now\a moment ago\yesterday\last week(month\year)\the day before yesterday及表示过去的时间状语从句。如:

i was 16 years old last year.

he worked in a factory in 1986.

i met her in the street the day before yesterday.

he often swam in the river when he was young.

2)过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或一段时间正在进行的动作。常与之连用的时间状语有at last time(moment)\(at)this time yesterday(last night\sunday\week…)\at+钟点+yesterday(last night\sunday..)when (while) sb.

did sth.等时间状语。如:

what were you doing at 7pm yesterday?

i first met mary three years ago. she was working at a radio shop at that time.

when\while we were h**ing supper, the light went out.


i saw you while you were speaking to the teacher.


she wrote a letter to her friend last night.(信写完了)

she was writing a letter to her friend last night.(信不一定写完)



tom was getting up at six o’clock every day that week.


john was always coming to school late.

lei feng was always doing good deeds for the people.


1. h**e a power cut停电。

2. electricity goes off停电。

3. h**e a shower 洗淋浴。

4. hold sth. in his hand在他手里拿着。

5. shake head摇头。

6. talk about ways to reduce the electricity bill讨论一下减少电费的方法。

7. look out of the window看向窗外。

8. shout to the police冲警察喊。

9. climb down the side of the building沿着楼的边爬下。

10. on top of our car在我们的车的上面。

11. a couple of questions 几个问题。

12. low-fat food低脂食品。

13. meat-free dishes无肉的。

14. book a table预订一桌。

15. high in fat高脂。

16. white in colour白色。

17. can’t wait to see you 迫不及待来看你。

18. press the switch.按开关。

19. turn up the fan to number 打开风扇到3挡。

20. put in your number.输入你的号码。

21. a brilliant country.一个伟大的国家。

22. a neighboring country of the usa.美国的一个邻国。

23. hear about your hobbies.听说你的习惯。

24. the government of south africa 南非的**。

25. h**e a hard life 过着艰苦的生活

26. be famous for… 因……而闻名。

27. be close to … 离……很近。

28. a great place for shopping 适合于购物的好地方。

29. in the natural surroundings 在自然环境中。

30. play for a famous american basketball team为一个著名的美国篮球队效力。

31. in the last two olympic games在上两届奥运会中。

32. on the chinese basketball team在中国篮球队里。

33. set up websites about yao ming建立关于姚明的**

四。 重点话题的总结。



1)what’s wrong with you?/what’s your trouble?/what’s the matter with you?你怎么了?

2)do you h**e a fever/a headache/stomachache/a cough? 你发烧了吗?/你头痛吗?

3)are you in pain?你疼吗?/你胃痛吗?/你咳嗽吗?

4)let me take your temperature.让我给你量一**温。

5)how long h**e you felt /been like this?你像这样多久了?

6)does your body ache?你的身体疼吗 ?

7)don’t worry, it’s not serious.不要担心,不严重。

8)take a spoon of this medicine.吃一勺这个药。

this medicine three times a day . 吃这个药一天三次。

9)you’ll feel fine again very soon. 很快你就会感到很好。


1)i don’t feel well /i feel sick/i feel terrible/i feel really bad.

2)do i need to take an operation?我需要动手术吗?

3)do i need to get an injection?我需要打针吗?

4)i h**e a pain in my leg. 我的腿疼。


let me take your blood pressure让我量一下你的血压。

let me take your heartbeat 让我测一下你的心跳。

i don’t think it is anything serious 我认为不是很严重。

开处方。these tablets are to keep fever down这些药片是退热的。

one tablet each time, three times a day, after meal 每次一片,一天三次,饭后服用。

take this medicine before sleeping 睡前吃药。

you’ll get over it soon /you’ll be all right soon.

三)其它。1)the doctor will make you feel better.医生将会让你好一些。

2)look inside alice’s mouth.看alice的口腔。


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