
发布 2020-03-10 23:12:28 阅读 7398

作业1 m1u1


1. 谈论。

2. 紧邻,在……旁边。

3. 写下;记下。

4. 如此多。

5. 犯错误。

6. look up

7. as much as possible

8. agree with


1. i don’t know the meaning of the word. i want to look it up in the d

2. to keep healthy, we should eat vegetables as much as p

3. can you cthe sentences with the words in the box?

4. you should cyour mistakes.

5. she gives us some aon how to learn english well.


1. 人们通过看电视逐渐了解了世界上的许多事情。

peoplea lot about the worldtv.

2. 用英语写信是一个好主意。

to write letters.

3. 犯同样的错误是愚蠢的。

it’s stupid to

4. “互相写信怎么样?”“我同意。”

to each other?


1. what else do you want to do?(改为同义句)

do you want to do?

2. why don’t you go to the movies? (改为同义句)

to the movies?

to the movies?

3. we need to practise speaking english in class.(改为否定句)

weto practise speaking english in class.

4. don’t be late for school. (用should改写句子)

youlate for school.

作业2 m1u2

i. 英汉互译。

1. ask for advice

2. be afraid to do sth

3. each time

4. something new

5. smile at sb

6. 建议某人做某事。

7. 擅长。

8. 尽力做某事。

9. 向某人问好。

10. 与某人交朋友。

11. 一直;总是。

12. 带领某人参观某地。

ii. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

13. jack is a s___boy, and he is afraid to speak in class.

14. that doctor ahim to go to bed early and get up early.

15. our teacher sthat li hao should watch english films and listen to real english songs.

16. we’ll repair it as q___as possible.

17. we often start a cwith “good morning”.

18. it’s nto forget new words after a long time.

19. reading is one of the best ways to i___your english.

20. to understand this article, you should h**e some b___knowledge of english.

iii. 根据汉语意思完成句子。

21. 我们在课堂上一直说英语。

we speak englishin class.

22. 你知道如何开始一段对话吗?

do you knowa conversation?

23. 今天的报纸上有某些新内容吗?

is therein today’s news*****?

24. 为什么不和他们交朋友,带领他们参观你们的城镇呢?

why notthem andthem __your town?


作业9 m5u1 i 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1.today more and more people go to the茶馆 to drink tea.2.h e you got the主要的 idea of the passage?3.the beijing opera结束 at 3 30 ...


外研社英语八年级 上 词汇检测。八上 module 1 相关的 两个人,一pronounce23对。改正 纠正 正确的 aloud24对的拼写25radio词 单词 字练习。with sb.32vocabulary33ask 发 的音大声地 出声地电台 广播发音。关键性的,非常重要的主要的 最大的极...

外研版八年级 上 课本词组

八年级 上册 1 犯错误。2 写下,记下。3 同意某人。4 请求 给予 5 相当好 很好。6 因 而闻名。7 怎么了?8 大量 众多。9 用欢呼声激励 为 加油。10 球迷俱乐部。11 热身 做准备活动。12 远离。13 一直 不断地。14 最后 终于。15 终于 最后。16 校长。17 处于危险中...