
发布 2022-12-28 09:21:28 阅读 4517


module 1

1. i’m going to give you some advice. why not write it down ?


2. how about listening to the radio in english ? 听英文广播怎么样?

3. but try not to translate every word.但是尽量不要翻译每个单词。

4. i enjoy watching english films. 我喜欢看英语电影。

5. it’s a good way to learn english. 这是一种学习英语的好办法。

5. talk about the film or song with your friends.跟你的朋友谈论电影或者歌曲。

6. before you begin, take a deep breath.在你开始前,做个深呼吸。

7. write them on pieces of ***** and place them in your bedroom. 把他们写在纸上,放在卧室里。

8. i left my homework at home. 我把我的作业忘在家里了。

module 2

1. has she visited china before ? 她以前访问过中国吗?

has invited me to stay with her in england one day. 莎莉邀请我有时间到英国去她那看看。

3. i h**e always wanted to tr**el around the world.我总是想着去环游世界。

4. h**e you looked at today’s news***** ? 你看过今天的报纸吗?

5. h**e you ever been abroad ?你曾经出过国吗?

6. wang ming has been to a liu huan concert in beijing.王铭听过刘欢在北京举办的演唱会。

7. he has given concerts all over china. 他在全国各地举办演唱会。

s only one thing i h**en’t done yet. 仅有一件事我尚未做到。

module 3

are you up to ? 你在干什么?

2. but no one has been to the moon recently。 但是最近没人去过月球。

3. that’s why it’s on the news. 那就是为什么它上新闻的原因。

4. i hear that they h**e gone to shanghai on business. 我听说他们去上海出差了。

5. there has been life on earth for millions of years. 地球上的生命已有数百万年的历史。

6. the earth goes sround the sun. 地球绕着太阳转动。

7. the solar system is a small part of our galaxy. 太阳系是我们星系的一小部分。

8. it’s hard to understand how large the universe is . 很难理解宇宙有多大。

module 4 education

1. how long h**e you studied english ? for two years. 你学英语多久了? 两年。

2. but i get on well with like the same things.

但是我跟她相处融洽。我们喜欢相同的东西,3. that sounds interesting. tell me more. 那听起来很有趣,告诉我更多的东西吧。

4. liu sanzi is an-eight-year-old boy from a village. 刘三子八岁,他来自一个小村庄。

5. his parents want him to drop out of school.他的父母想他退学。

s important for him to work on their farm.对他来说,在农田劳作时重要的。

of project hope, thousands of children h**e better lives.


8. he hasn’t been to the seaside since last year. 自从去年来他没去过海边。

module 5

h**e heard about it, h**en’t you ? 你听说过它,对吗?

2. you also like pop music, don’t you ? 你不喜欢流行**,是吗?

3. so she doesn’t like pop music, does she ? 所以,她不喜欢流行**,是吗?

4. it is certainly very traditional, isn’t it ? 它当然是很传统的,对吗?

5. what on earth is that ? 那究竟是什么呢?

module 6

1. how is it going ,lingling ? 玲玲,近来怎样啊?

2. one day she was sitting by the river with a book.有一天,他拿着本书,坐在河边。

3. suddenly, a white rabbit ran past her. 突然,一只小白兔跑过她旁边。

4. every boy and girl in britain has read it. 英国的每个男孩和女孩都看过这个故事。

5. alice was getting very tired, she had nothing to do. 爱丽丝觉得很累了,她没事可做。

6. so she was thinking of ****** a daisy chain. 所以她开始琢磨编雏菊花环。

7. she didn’t think it was strange. 她认为那不是奇怪的(事)

8. she saw the rabbit go down a large rabbit hole. 她看到兔子钻进一个挺大的兔子洞

module 7

1. what’s the matter with you, daming ? 大明,你怎么啦?

2. i’m afraid i don’t like cheese. 我恐怕不喜欢奶酪。

3. what’s she like ? she looks smart. 她长得怎样?她看上去很靓。

4. you must introduce me to her. 你们一定要把我介绍给她。

5. it was great to hear from you. 收到你的信真是太好了。

6. i can’t wait to meet you. 我迫不及待想见你。

7. thanks for telling me what you like doing. 谢谢你告诉我你喜欢做的事。

8. i am very proud of him. 我为他感到骄傲。

module 8

1. how can i get to the forbidden city ? 我怎样到达故宫?

2. can you tell me the way to a park ? 你能告诉我去公园的路吗?

3. turn left into chang’an jie. 左拐进入到长安街。

4. it’s kind of quiet. 那儿(它)有点静。

5. as you go along the river, it is on your right. 当你沿着小河走,它就在你的右边了。

6. welcome to this short tour of london. 欢迎来到此次的伦敦短途之旅。

module 9

1. i was so excited to see the panda. 看见那些熊猫我非常兴奋。

2. but it’s sad to think about all those animal in danger. 但是想起那些濒危动物就感到难过。

3. we need to protect them better. 我们需要更好地保护它们。

4. what on earth can we do ? 我们究竟能做些什么呢?

4. let’s find out what we can do to s**e them 让我们弄明白我们能做些什么来挽救它们。

5. there are about 1,000 pandas living in nature reserves today


6. pandas h**e less and less land to live on 熊猫赖以生存的土地越来越少了。

7. then the pandas will h**e enough places to live in 这样,熊猫将有足够的空间生活。

8. there is still a long way to go to s**e the panda拯救熊猫还有一段长长的路要走。

module 10

1. as you know, sally’s main interest is music. 正如你所知那样,莎莉的主要兴趣是**。

2. so my parents offered to take us there.因此,我父母提议带我们去那里。


初二上重点句子。module 1 1.i m going to give you some advice.why not write it down 我打算给你们提些建议。你们为什么不把它记下来呢?2.how about listening to the radio in english 听英文广播...


tony mm.what a delicious smell your pizza looks so nice 托尼 好香的味道啊!你的披萨饼看起来很好。betty thanks whuld you like to try some?贝蒂 谢谢!你想尝一尝吗?tony yes,please it l...


外研版八年级上册英语module9 unit1 3部分课文翻译。贝蒂 你在干什么呢?托尼 我正在为一篇题为 日益增长的人口 的报告准备笔记。玲玲 哦,现在谈论这个问题正是时候!北京就是一个人口众多的大型城市。这引发了很多问题,例如交通拥堵和噪音过多。贝蒂 不仅北京这样。人口增长在许多国家都是一个大问...