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module 2 friendship


一、 重点词组。

hold the line (=hold on) 稍等,别挂断。

call back 打(**)回来。

right now 现在。

take a message 捎个信儿。

le**e a message 留个信儿。

whether…or not 是否。

in fact 事实上。

a couple of…几个,若干。

in a week 一周后(用于将来时)

miss one’s close friends 想念某人的好朋友。

be different from… (反义:the same as…) 与…不同 (反义:与…相同)

make friends with sb. 与…交朋友。

good luck with…祝…好运。

bring sb. for a visit to some place 带某人来某地参观。

wait for sb. (to do sth.) 等待某人做某事。

invite sb. to do sth. /invite sb. to some place 邀请某人去做某事/去某地。

talk with/to sb about sth. 和某人谈论某事。

by the way 顺便说一下。

feel happy / unhappy / better 感觉快乐/不快乐/更好。

take place 发生。

far (away) from some place 离某地远。

be afraid to do sth. /be afraid of sth./doing sth. 害怕做某事。

every time + 时间状语从句每次。

want (sb.) to do sth. 想让某人做某事。

worry about… 担心…

sit at the desk / work at the computer 坐在桌旁/在电脑前工作。

as usual 像往常一样。

at that moment 在那时。

enter the room (注意enter是及物动词,后不加介词。) 进入房间。

turn back 转过身。

day by day 一天天地。

be close to… 离…近。

smile at sb. 对…微笑。

laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人。

it doesn’t matter (that没关系。

not …any more / not…any longer 不再。

give advice / take advice 提出建议/接受建议。

look for… 寻找…

in town / in the country 在城镇/在乡村。

二、 重要知识点。

what does it feel like? 用来询问对方对某件事的看法。

what does it feel like to be at school in america在美国上学感觉如何 ?

类似的表达还有what do you think of…? how do you like…?

辨析sometime, some time, sometimes, some times


i believe that my dream will come true sometime in the future.

some time一段时间,表示时间段,多用于现在完成时。

he has been here for some time.


it’s sometimes hot and sometimes cold.

some times若干次/若干倍。

i h**e been to sydney some times.

辨析lonely 与alone

lonely是adj. 表示“孤独的”,是内心的感受,而 alone可做adj.或adv.,表示“独自一人地”,是现实的状况。

she felt lonely because she had no friends here. 她因为在这儿没有朋友而感到很孤独。

the old woman lives alone because her daughter is abroad. but she is not lonely because we often go to see her. 这位老奶奶一个人独自居住,因为她的女儿在国外,但她并不孤独,因为我们经常去看望她。

辨析other, the other, others, the others





english is spoken not only in the uk and the usa, but also in many other countries. (这里不强调除英美外,其余所有的国家都说英语,所以不加the,另外,后面有countries,所以other不加s。)

the old lady has four sons. one is in canada, the others are in america.


would you like another cup of tea? (这里指再来一杯,没有范围。)

当adj.修饰不定代词(something, anything, nothing, everything)时,adj.要后置。

i h**e something important to tell you.

he has nothing new to say.


surprising 意为“令人惊讶的”,修饰物或事;而surprised意为“吃惊的”,修饰人。

the news is surprising.

i’m surprised at the news.

类似的单词还有exciting (excited), tiring (tired), pleasing (pleased), amazing (amazed)等。


is chen huan there? 请问陈欢在吗?

is that chen huan (speaking)? 您是陈欢吗?

may i speak to jack, please? 杰克在吗?

i’ll call back later. 我一会儿再打。

this is sally (speaking). 我是sally。

who’s calling, please? 请问您是那位?

hold the line, please. 稍等,别挂断。

sorry. he isn’t here right now. 对不起,他现在不在。

can i take a message? /can you le**e a message? 我能捎个信儿吗?/ 您能留个信儿吗?

i’m afraid you h**e the wrong number. 恐怕您打错了。

三、 语法。

objective clause宾语从句。



trees improve the air.

betty thinks (that) trees improve the air.

it will snow this winter.

i hope (that) it will snow this winter.

there is a good film tonight.

jack said (that) there was a good film on that night

2.当从句是一般疑问句时,用if 或whether引导(若句尾有or not,则用whether,语序由原来的疑问句语序变为陈述句语序。

will they plant trees on sunday?

he doesn’t know whether they will plant trees on sunday or not.

h**e you seen him before?

i can’t remember if i h**e seen him before.

was she late for class this morning?

he asks if she was late for class this morning.

did she study hard?

i didn’t know whether she studied hard or not.


how can we help protect the environment?

he asks how we can help protect the environment.

why do they like computer games so much?

i can’t understand why they like computer games so much.

when will we hold the sports meeting?

do you know when we will hold the sports meeting?


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