
发布 2022-12-23 18:25:28 阅读 3325




1. 我的英语老师对我的学习影响很大。my english teacherto my study.

2. .为了接朋友,他早上起得很早。he got up very earlymeet his friend.

3. 他们两个都不会弹钢琴can play the pinao.

4. 如果你学英语有困难,我乐意帮助你。

if youenglish. i’ll be glad to help you.

5.你可以扫地吗? could you please

6你不应该过分依赖你的父母。you shouldn’tyour parents too much.

7. 汤姆一到家就开始玩电子游戏。

tom begins to play the computer gameshe gets home.

8. 请把垃圾倒出去好吗? could you please

9. 那个男孩一直看电视,从不在家里帮忙。

that boy watches tvand never helps out around the house..

10我妈妈没说一句话就走开了。my motherand walked away.


there aresix students in the classroom.


mother willin half an hour.

13.请你带我去散步好吗?could you pleaseme for


1. could you pleasetake ) this book away?

2. after you finishsweep) the floor, you can watch tv.

3. the computer doesn’t work. it isbreak) .

old man told usnot swim) in the river.

was difficult for himremember) all the things.

6. ithrow) down my schoolbag and went to the living room

7. finally, i understood that we needshare) the housework.

you forhelp) me work out this problem.

四、 单项选择(共计10分)

)1 could you please help me clean __living room,tom? don’t play the compute games all __time.

a. the, a b. the, the c. a ,the d. the ,/

)2.— i don’t think we can find a new way to work out the problem. —but we’d better not

a. end upb. hand out c. give upd. put out

) was not___for her to all the housework, since you two should share the housework.

a. strong b. ill c. fair d. healthy

)4. -which sweater do you want to buy, the yellow one or the green onei’ll take the red one.

a. either b. neither c. none d. both

)5. —could i __your ipad, nacey? —of course .here you are.

a. develop b. lend c. borrow d. raise

)6. the government should___a good social environment __for children to develop well.

a. provide; for b. add; to c. offer;for d. send; to

)7. many teenagers likevery much, but they are not good for their health.

a. players b. chores c. trash d. snacks

)8. —jet, could you come to the living room, please? come to help me

a. ok. i’m coming b. h**e fun c. it doesn’t matter d. sorry to hear that

) 9. —do you often do chores at home? —yes. i think they’rebut i h**e to help my mum.

a. interesting b. relaxing c. boring d. fun

) 10. i borrowed this book __mary. i am going to give it back to her tomorrow.

a. to b. fromc. withd. for


no one hates housework more than i do. i always try not to do housework, but sometimes i h**e to. it is really something that i _1_ .

but now i find a few ways of ****** it 2 . maybe some of these 3 can also help you enjoy your housework. invite friends over for dinner:

this is my f**orite way. everyone likes to go to a 4 house. by inviting friends to your home, you’d like to do the 5 .

we all know that a clean house can make people 6 . a clean house is part of a successful 7 . music and singing:

it sometimes seems (好像) that i never h**e time to 8 my f**orite music. so sometimes i

9 my cd player and listen to music when working. if you like singing, do it. you are going to find your work is finished before you know it.

give yourself a gift: tell yourself you are going to see a movie 10 you finish your housework. plan to do something that makes you feel good.

)1. a. likeb. agreec. disliked. disagree

)2. a. interesting b. difficult c. happy d. successful

)3. a. songsb. ideasc. giftsd. music

)4. a. newb. nicec. bigd. clean

)5. a. choresb. homework c. sports d. job

)6. a. wiserb. happier c. healthier d. wilder

)7. a. lifeb. survey c. partyd. lunch

)8. a. lookb. buyc. playd. enjoy

)9. a. turn onb. turn off c. turn up d. turn down

)10. a. beforeb. andc. afterd. or


(a)chores were not popular at my house. my children didn’t like to do chores. they always saw me do chores, but they hardly ever helped me do them.


白鹤学校八年级 下 英语第七周周测 2016 4 10 namescore 一 根据汉语意思完成句子。1 8小题,每空词数不限,9 15小题每空一词。共计30分 1.昨天我发现妹妹浏览我的东西。i found my sistermy things yesterday.2.为了取的好成绩,他总是刻苦学...


白鹤学校九年级英语第二周周测 2016 9 11 namescore 一 根据汉语意思完成句子。每空词数不限,共计30分 1.那个可怜的女孩生来就有严重的健康问题。the poor girla serious health problem.2.请注意他说话时的表情。pleasehis express...


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