
发布 2022-12-11 11:54:28 阅读 8539






--我们什么时候见6. -让我们定在六点半吧7. -我带上相机怎么样8.



you m opening the window ? it’s too hot.

often p running .she will take part in a must hide(躲) s else ,because i can’t see her.4.

tomfell i , so he didn’t go to school.

5. please p the english book to me.

you want to be safe, you must f___the traffic are going to h___a school sports meet next rules.8a h year is a century(世纪).

do you s___in a basketball game?

are many trees on both s___of the roads三、单项选择。(30分)

)1.—i’m sorry for __i said. —it doesn’t how b. whichc. whatd. when( )2.—i’

certainly. here you are.

a. me itb. it to mec. me for itd. it for me

)3.—i’m so sorry for losing your dictionarya. oh, it doesn’t you’re that’s thank you all the same.

( 4.—will you join us

a. no, i won’ you’re welcome.

c. i hope notd. of course, i will.

)5. the saying(谚语)a tree can’t make a forest (森林) tells us

that __is very important in a football skillb. bodyc. teamworkd. speed

a. helpb. to help c. helpingd. helps

)7. he’s not good at english. but he keeps __

a. study b. to study c. studying d. studies

)8. -what about __this sunday?

---good idea. it’s too hot these days.

a. cycling b. swimming c. shoppingd. skating

)9. tommy will take part in in the school meet.

a. the boy 800 meter race boys’800-meter race

c. the boy 800 meters race boy’s 800-meter race

)10. both his brother and his sister __basketball players.

a. am b. is c. are d. be

)11. he’s not good at english. but he keeps __

a. study b. to study c. studying d. studies

) it’s okb. sounds great.

c. h**e a good time.( 13. i h**e a toothache.

greatb. what a sorry to hear that. ok.( 14. i feel , because i h**e .

good , enough friend; b. good enough, enough friendc. enough good , enough friend; d.

good enough, enough friends( )15. it’s my first time the high jump.

take partb. to take part inc. taking part ind. to taking part in


1. there is a football match.(改为一般将来时)

thereafootballmatchnextweekend.2. i’m sorry for being late for school.

(就画线部分提问)__are you sorry___

3. li ming will take part in the high jump. (对划线部分提问)

4. they will get up early tomorrow. (改为否定句)

5. i believe you will


allovertheworld, or turn on their tv sets to watch in front of them.

sports change with the seasons. people play different games indifferent seasons. sometimes they play inside the room.

sometimes theyplay outside. we can find sports here and there. some sports are ratherinteresting and people everywhere like them.

football, for example, each other, but after a game they often become very friendlyto each other.

) 1. sports are good for __

a. the playersc. the coaches

b. people’s healthd. people who like sports

)2. if you like sports, you can __

a. buy tickets to see the gamesb. see the games on tvc.

see the games on the internetd. a, b and c( )3. people play __in different seasons.

a. the same gamec. any games

b. different gamesd. all kinds of games

) 4. _is very popular in the world.

a. table tennis

b. baseball c. football

d. skating

a. people from different countries all b. people from the samecountry

c. friends d. after a game people from different countries





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