
发布 2022-12-23 18:24:28 阅读 3900




1. 昨天我发现妹妹浏览我的东西。i found my sistermy things yesterday.

2. .为了取的好成绩,他总是刻苦学习。he always studies hardget good grades.

3. 我的问题是我不能与家人很好相处。my problem is that i can’tmy family..

4. 你不应该过分依赖你的父母。you shouldn’tyour parents too much

5.你可以给他写封信。 you should

6. 你为什么不和家人谈谈你的感受talk about your feeling with your family?

7. 我认为你应该坐下来和你的妈妈沟通一下。

i believe .you should sit down andyour mother.

8. 请把垃圾倒出去好吗? could you please

9. 如果你的父母有困难,你应该主动帮助。

if your parents are h**ing problem, you should

10 尽管他做的不对,但也没什么了不起的。although he is wrong. it’s not a

11. 你不应该和你的父母吵架。you should notyour parents.

12. 昨天张杰和他哥哥打了一大架。

zhang jieahis brother.

13. 他把你的书还给你了吗。did heyour bookyou?

14. 我不想给他惊喜。i don’t want to

15. 我不想在**里和他谈这件事。。 i don’t want to talk about it


1. my parents’ don’t allow mehang)out with my friends.

2. i’m not good atwrite) letters.

3. i found a dogsleep)at my schoolgate.

always refuses melet) me watch my f**orite tv.

5. why don’t youbuy) him a new watch?

三、 单项选择(共计10分)

) found a letter __on the floor when i came into the classroom.

a. lying b. lay c. lies d. lie

)2.--look! some people are running the red lights.

–we should wait __others are breaking the rule.

a. if b. although c. unless d. because

)3.--a nice day, isn’t it? –yes, _go for a picnic and relax ourselves?

a. would you like b. why not c. what about d. why don’t

( )4.—my parents give me too much pressure. —that’s not nice. maybe you should __them.

a. talk about b. communicate with c. explain to d. argue with

) you should spend more time communicating __your parents.

a. to b. for c. with d. on

)6.--what’s your __about the plan? -it seems good. but it could be better.

a. relation b. opinion c. pressure d. result

)7.- if you don’t talk with your friends in a __way, you will easily make them angry.

a. main b. proper c. wrong d. strange

)8.--do you need me to __the rules to you? -yes,please. i don’t know what it means.

a. offer b. reply c. return d. explain

)9.--tomorrow is my friend’s birthdaywhy don’t you __a special gift for him?

a. buy b. buys c. buying d. to buy

)10. mr wang doesn’t allow us __in the classroom.

a. eat b. to eat c. eating d. ate


a generous gap(代沟) has become a serious problem. i read a 1 about it in the news*****. some children h**e killed themselves after 2 with parents.

i think this is because they don’t often h**e a talk with each other. parents now 3 more time in the office, 4 they don’t h**e much time to stay with their children. as times passes, they both feel that they don’t h**e the __5 topic(题目) to talk about.

i want to tell parents to be more with your 6 , get to know them and 7 them. and for children, show your 8 to your parents. they are the people who love you.

so 9 them your thoughts. in this way, you 10 h**e a better understanding of each other.

) messageb. call c. reportd. letter

) 2. a. talkb. argue c. fightd. play

) 3. a. spendb. stay c. work d. h**e

) 4. a. becauseb. ifc. butd. so

) 5. a. interesting b. same c. trued. good

) 6. a. business b. children c. work d. office

) 7. a. get on well with b. look after c. understand d. love

) 8. a. interestb. secret c. trouble d. feelings

) 9. a. tellb. askc. answer d. say

) 10. a. canb. should c. must d. would


a)expert(专家) say that students usually need eight to ten hours’ sleep at night, but most chinese students do not get enough sleep. some chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. they will think their children work very hard, but not all parents are happy about this.

once a mother told us tat every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger (手指)with his eyes still closed, begging(请求) for one more minute to sleep. like thousands of students “ early birds” in china, he has to get up before six every morning.


白鹤学校八年级 下 英语第五周周测 2016 3 27 namescore 一 根据汉语意思完成句子。1 10小题,每空词数不限,11 13小题每空一词。共计26分 1.我的英语老师对我的学习影响很大。my english teacherto my study.2.为了接朋友,他早上起得很早。he ...


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